5 Daily Tips to Tap into Your Inner Voice

Camilla Marsh
Dreamer Do
Published in
3 min readAug 5, 2015

As writers, or simply to be successful human beings, we should be tapped into our inner voice. But how?

We need to know what we really want and be able to communicate what we really think. In our modern world its the voices that shout the loudest that get the most attention but sometimes its the softest that have the most to say.

Here are my five daily tips to help you tap into your intuition and inner musings.

1. Meditate

Just for five minutes or a bit more. We can’t hear our inner voice speak if we have to constantly shout above the incessant chatter of the outside world. Sit somewhere quiet with no distractions and try empty your mind of all thoughts. Don’t think about what happened today or what you need to do tomorrow. Try think about nothing at all. If a rogue thought pops into your head just gently let it go. Playing soft background music or focussing on an object like a candle flame or flower can also hope to focus your mind.

2. Free write

Think of a topic, absolutely any topic. Set your stopwatch to 5 minutes and just write about it. Let spelling errors slip, perfect grammar flaw, let loose your restrictions on what does and doesn’t sound right. Let your words, all your words, out. The good, the bad, the ugly. Let them run free on your page for a full 5 minutes as your judgement abandons the flood gates and your stream of consciousness gushes out. You’ll be amazed by how liberating this feeling is and will learn a lot about what is really going on in your mind.

Ernest Hemingway summed it up when he proclaimed (or likely slurred):

“Write drunk, edit sober.”

3. Be conscious of your choices

Don’t just flip on the TV after work, buy your usual for lunch or agree to doing something “just because”. Be aware of the choices you make in every second of every day. We’ve become so accustomed to flying through life on autopilot, falling into habits or agreeing to things just to keep others happy, that we have tapped out of what we really want. We have removed ourselves from the reasons behind our decisions. We’ve forgotten that everything we do and say is the result of a choice. And in every moment we decide how the very next line of our life reads. We choose the plot, we fill it with characters and we create the ending to each and every day.

Your inner voice is what guides you; make an effort to listen more closely before you numbly decide on “yes” or “no”.

4. Talk to yourself

If we’re honest, we’ll admit that we all do it. C’mon you know you do. But, rather than letting society tell you you’re a weirdo, embrace this intimacy with yourself. Being alone is a rare commodity in today’s rushed modern age. Relish those rare moments when it’s just you and your shadow and take the opportunity to really get to know the real you. Strike up a conversation, ask yourself how you’re feeling, give yourself a pep talk or just say “Hi.”

5. Do something just for you

Don’t wait for someone else to spoil you, or worse yet, forgo what you want to please others. Make a point of doing something each and everyday just for you. Whether it’s treating yourself to a double shot cappuccino, listening to your favourite song on repeat or reminding yourself how awesome you are, put yourself first; make your voice heard. You’ll soon learn more about what you really want, what makes you happy and what loosens up the vocal chords of that inner voice of yours. Get used to listening to yourself and what you want.

Practice these five daily rituals and it won’t be long until the only voice you will be hearing in your head is your own.

Dime for a Dream

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