Debunking The Myth of Being Alive

Camilla Marsh
Dreamer Do
Published in
4 min readJul 3, 2019

Life as we know it is kind of a sad story.

A predictable trajectory from birth until death; a series of inevitable events. A miserable string of many misfortunes interrupted by the merciful hand of Lady Luck. Where the only assurance is by God get yourself Life Insurance to cover all the shit that can, and will certainly occur along the way. And if you aint got a penny to pay, well you’re darn out of luck and that’s all I gotta say.

Where the chapter of manhood begins at thirteen and a girl becomes a woman only when married. Where the best 12 years of this so called living are spent at a school desk sitting, learning all the means to keep us clean, cogs to the almighty consumerist machine. And a mere snickered hour for Life Orientation or any subject that attempts to prepare us for the world that awaits.

If we’re not being taught how to live life, what in fact are we actually being taught? The white man’s History and the poor man’s place, the dog eat dog instinct of the human race. We’re taught not to seek out our own answers but rather regurgitate this drummed in mistruth until death do us part. Or rather til we retire into a well-earned displacement in a capitalist society of co-created piety.

We’re taught that life is hard and work is a struggle and only the rich deserve to be rich. Because they, unlike us, have made it, whether by inheritance or luck or a dirty hand played. And why would we want more money anyway? What a lustful yearning. We’d be better to continue this self-limiting learning. We may not be rich but we sure are smarter than those footloose creatives. Those outcasts who live from the heart and fail to see their empathy and intuition stands no chance in this rationalized prison.

Well. I stand up proudly and proclaim.


Oh how impolite for a young lady to say.

Yes, rightly so for I ain’t no lady, I refuse to fit the either or paradigm of social standing. Either a construct or a misfit. It is not society who determines me. I do, and it’s my way of thinking that sets me free.

I am a child of light. I am a lover of the sun. I came here to create and play, to have fun. I did not rise from the mud to join the shapeless figurines we call human expression. No. I fell from the stars to spark the eternal light in us all. Now listen.

If you think of me as a new age hippy, well I pity the stereotype that clouds your eyes and immobilizes your body. For your beliefs are your reality. Can’t you see? Life does not need to be what we’ve been betrayed to believe.

I choose to believe in a peaceful world where love is our currency and work is our joy. I choose a reality where making a living and living my life are not distinct. Where I consciously create all that I want with every thought that I think.

We are all powerful beyond measure. Simply so, our limitless potential could never be confined by man-made measurement and time. You are not a human with a soul but rather a soul having a human experience. All that life is and ever will be is a mere reflection of your own self-perception.

So here’s how to debunk the greatest myth ever told

Ask yourself, who are you? Who is your true authentic self? Then make a list of all the dogmas and mental models that don’t fit with who you really are and how you want to live your life. Turn these negative statements into positive affirmations.

For example:

“I will never be rich because it is too much hard work.”


“I am infinitely abundant and live each day with a wealth consciousness. All the money I desire flows to me easily and effortlessly.”

Record these affirmations on your phone and play them back to yourself each morning or write them out and stick them where you see them. Reprogramming our subconscious mind is the key to living the truth of life - our truth. Remove all you’ve been told by your parents, ex’s, bosses and society as a whole that does not resonate with the vibration of your soul.

And watch how your life story transforms as you change your mind about what it truly means to be alive.

Dime for a Dream

