Camilla Marsh
Dreamer Do
Published in
2 min readSep 14, 2023


I dream of

travelling to all the world’s treasured secrets. Resting my body and stirring my soul in cliff clung bamboo shacks positioned high above the turquoise waves, a fairy tale castle atop a spiralling hill with bougainvillaea lined courtyards and terracotta tiles and a wooden cabin deep within the enchanted forest with an eternal hearth ablaze as snowflakes stroke the window pane.

I dream of

travelling with a limitless heart, swapping my worn out shoestring for a purse of pearls. My sandal clad feet barely touching the ground as my long skirt swishes along the narrow paved alleyway of exotic market goods. My eye spies colourful earthen pottery, natural handcrafted clothing, seasonal jam made from local fruit ripened in the height of the summer sun, luscious rugs and antique lampshades. My heart at peace as I know I can afford whatever I want.

I dream of

waking up late to a bountiful brunch as the sun creeps higher in the cloudless sky. Bowls of fresh figs drenched in honey, oven baked bread and smokey olive tapenade, delicious fruits I didn’t know existed and the sweet scent of aromatic coffee permeating the air.

What I dream I can perceive and what I can perceive I can believe and what I can believe I can receive.

So I know this dream is meant for me.

