There are no problems

Camilla Marsh
Dreamer Do
Published in
2 min readMar 24, 2017

What problems do you have right now? Maybe you’re stressing about an exam, or you stuffed up at work yesterday and are dreading seeing the boss, or perhaps you’re bone bummed broke. Problems keep us up at night, they drag our attention from the present, they suck the bliss and peace out of each simple moment and interaction. They send our mind to a turmoil of tumbling fears, anxieties and projections of imminent doom.

So what if I were to tell you…

There are no problems.

Yeah sure you say. You’re telling me my insomnia or my insane ex wife aint a problem. Oh I’ll get that dream job, I’ll cure my illnesses, I’ll be happy each second of everyday. Yeah right. You’ll lump me together with those annoyingly optimistic people and tell me I’m either deluded or am making up for some deep rooted psychological malfunction that convinces me I can live a problem-free existence. There’s just no way I could be inhabiting the same planet earth.

But I do inhabit it.

And I inhabit it problem-free.


By grasping one simple truth about problems.

“Problems only exist in the human mind”

– Anthony de Mello

Once you realise that the only cause of your problems is you, you give yourself the freedom and power to prevent them popping up in your life. Yes, challenging situations occur and yes, some days you want to crawl under cover and forget this whole living a life thing is happening altogether. You may not always have control of outside circumstances but what you do, and always do, have control over is your internal equilibrium.

In every moment you have a choice how to react, how to interpret and how to internalize. You can see an ice cream as almost finished, or you can see it as nearing the pocket of chocolate at the bottom of the cone (to use a less tired glass half full metaphor).

So the next time you think you have a problem, ask yourself what problem do you really have? How can you see the light in the situation? What can you do right now to take this worry out of your mind? The longer we leave unsavory situations to the hands of fate (or of indecision/ non-action/ pure laziness) the more they build up in our mind.

Rather than spending precious energy building mountains out of molehills, rather kick it out in the sun and create sand castles instead. Keep your mind clear, keep it calm and approach each situation with a fresh way of thinking. Let the past lay to rest, allow the future to lie dormant and use the present to live life.


Dime for a Dream

