DIY Dream Board

Honey Patel
Published in
2 min readOct 18, 2016

First step to building your dreams is knowing them, thinking about them every day, and believing in them!

It’s very easy to create a dream board! Get a piece of paper and start writing down these things!

1) Your name! Write it BIG on the top of the page… “I AM _______”

2) Challenges you have overcame and your success! We have all been through obstacles and have made accomplishments in our personal and professional lives. We have to give our self credit for them and learn from them.

3) Quotes! We come across quotes on social media, books, articles, etc. all the times, and there are ones that resonate with us. Pick a one or two or three that stuck to you and add them to your dream board.

4) People that inspire you! Some of the words we aspire to be: CEO, Professor, Entrepreneur, etc. These words come from people in our life, friends, family, peers, mentors, the ladies on stage with me, the women sitting next to you, the leaders we know, personas from movies and tv shows, and people that inspire us. And those that we aspire to be. Our dreams are not just about us, they are also about these people! Think about those people in your life, who they are, what relationship you have with them, and what they say to you to guide you, support you, and motivate you.

5) Words! Words that describe who you are, what you do, what you want to be, what you want to become.. adjectives, verbs, nouns.. any words! Think of words that come to mind: Creative, Visionary, Artist, Calm, Content, Confident, Healthy, CEO, etc.

6) Your goals! We all have goals. Whether it’s to finish a degree, learn something new, get that promotion, etc. Think about what you want to achieve, and write down goals using the SMART goals system. Specific. Measurable. Achievable. Relevant. Time Bound.

7) Past, Present, and Future! Past: Who were you before you got here? What words describe who you were, your challenges, your history? Present: Who are you today? What words describe who you are now? Future: Who do you want to be? What do you want to do? How do you envision you living your life — using all that you know about yourself? Be creative, Be bold. Break Boundaries and Trust Yourself!

Just write it all down on one piece of paper! It doesn’t have to be final, you can always go back and edit it and iterate on it!

