Tools to help you find your calling

Lisa Lopez Life Coach
Published in
2 min readOct 25, 2016

Do you hear it? Do you feel it? That voice, that desire that is telling you that you can be more, do more….have MORE. So often in life we receive those messages but are left with the question, “what do I do now”? You have 2 options. You can ignore your message and never know what you are truly capable of or you can accept that you are destined for greatness and use these tools to help you find out what your calling really is.

Listen — Listen to the voice inside your heart. It is you telling you what you what you are capable of. No matter how crazy or unobtainable the message may seem at the time, just receive it without judgement or expectation. Write it down.
Trust — Trust yourself. No one knows you better than YOU. Find something in your message that you already believe possible. Trust that there is a purpose behind your message and find it. For example, if you are receiving the message that you want a new job in a different field, TRUST that you are capable of learning the skills needed to get there. You message is coming from your subconscious based on emotions or experiences that you have already had.

Own your calling — Envision yourself as fulfilling your calling. See it….you are who you believe you are. Once that happens, others will see it too….declare it. For example, If you want to become a singer….start SINGING!! When you meet people introduce yourself as a singer, not as something you just do….but as someone you now ARE.
Act — Don’t wait for the perfect time, there is no perfect time. Detach from the outcome. Do anything that aligns you with where you want to go, who you want to be or what you want to create. You want to be a business owner? Buy a book on starting a small business. Find a mentor….take a on line class. You become accountable as soon as you take the very first action.

Listen, Trust, Own, Act. This is a lifestyle CHANGE that I am talking about. I want you to practice this so much that it becomes as instinctual as taking a breath. Listen, Trust, Own, Act. It doesn’t have to start on some cosmic scale…. you don’t have to quit your job and travel abroad …although both of those sound amazing. It can be as simple as waking every morning and declaring it. Writing about it in a journal, sharing your ideas with a friends

Every single time you receive this message, no matter how big or small, I invite you to use these tools. We’ll be waiting….



Lisa Lopez Life Coach

I am a Certified Life and Happiness Coach. I have made it my life’s purpose to help others find the happiness they deserve