We’re all Dreamers

Millicent DePerio
Published in
3 min readOct 18, 2016

On September 14, 2014 I backed a KickStarter campaign I really believed in. It was about an enterprising female film maker who wanted to reinvent the
word: BOSS.

Watch the trailer here via MOBILE:


Watch the trailer via DESKTOP:


Little did I know that this bold move would inspire me to start dreaming myself.

I dreamt of figuring out a way to use my business-know-how and mad creativity to build something new and inspiring.

I immersed myself in learning about business, life, creativity, and successful entrepreneurial pursuits.

I went all out by reading books, listening to podcasts, and attended seminars from thought leaders I admire.

I realized that surrounding myself with greatness activates the same in me.

Oprah’s presence was an all-enveloping, maternal energy. Her talk at the Quickbooks Connect event last year shook me to the core and changed me forever.

Deepak Chopra’s talk during his most recent book signing was invigorating, funny, and insightful. I really enjoyed reading his new book “Super Genes.”

My hubby and I learned A TON from Team Johnson, a Chalene Johnson event called “Smart Success.” I love how Chalene puts her family above all things in addition to being a phenomenal business woman.

And most recently, familiarizing myself with Brendon Burchard’s work has been a major game changer for me.

Please google him if you’ve never heard of him. He is a New York Times Bestselling Author and Speaker. I’ve read three of his books and I love them all (The Motivation Manifesto, Life’s Golden Ticket, and The Charge.)

So, my friends, I urge you to start dreaming. Not those sissy-ass-dreams but those BIG, BURLY ones!

Then, I want you to share them with only the people who will support you, cheer you on, and help map out a plan to make them true.

And please remember:


In Friendship,


