Brave Browser Launches more than $1 Million Giveaway

Jalal Nasser
Published in
4 min readFeb 10, 2020

A new Crypto Currency based Internet Browser has hit the market that’s just surpassed 2,500,000 users and is growing so fast. It’s called Brave, and it claims to be the browser of the future; fixing what’s wrong with all the current browsers like Chrome, Firefox & Microsoft Edge.

Now here’s the super exciting part about Brave Browser.

They just launched a $1,000,000 Give Away to help promote their new browser and will pay you about $5 USD per user that downloads and uses their browser.

They pay each bounty in a crypto currency called Basic Attention Token (BAT). BAT is currently worth about $0.26 cents per token so based on current market conditions, you should receive about 13 or 14 BAT per referral!

How Can register Free To The $1 Million Dollar Give Away?

So simple…just follow these 3 easy steps.

1.) Download Brave Browser for yourself. Don’t worry it’s free and you’ll like it.

2.) Once you’ve downloaded the browser sign up for the Brave Creator Referral Program. Once you are signed up they will supply you with a referral link that you can use to also refer people to the Brave Browser.

3.) Login to your Brave Payments dashboard (after confirming your email address of course) and you’ll be able to check your BAT balance, and number of people you have referred!

So what makes Brave Browser is better than other platforms that people will switch to?

Enhanced Browsing Speed.

Brave will block all native advertising on sites you visit, which will increase your page load times (a faster browser), while reducing the amount of bandwidth you use needed to make the connection to and download ad content. Imagine an ad free internet? Awesome right?

Increased Privacy.

Brave browser is also a private browser that hides your internet activity. But better than that, it also blocks 3rd party tracking codes. Have you ever visited a website, and then all of a sudden those ads start following you every where you go? That’s called pixel re-targeting and how it works is basically when ever you visit a website with pixel re-targeting enabled, it will store a cookie in your browser so that all the following websites (that also have ads all over them) can read that cookie and continue to serve you the same ads that were initiated at the initial site you visited. Now imagine you are visiting 10, 50 or 100 websites with re-targeting pixels in them? Your internet experience now is loaded with targeted ads.

Reward Content YOU Love.

The Brave browser integrates with a crypto currency called Basic Attention Token (BAT) that allows you to contribute to content creators for content you love! This allows the content creators to reduce the amount of ads they place on their site in the first place, so really that’s a WIN — WIN situation.

YOU Get PAID By Content Lovers

Well if you are able to pay content creators using Brave Browser, that must also mean that if YOU create content, you can also be paid right? That’s exactly correct. In your Brave Payments Dashboard, you’ll be able to add a variety of your content channels to qualify to receive payments from others that digest your content. It’s an exciting new way to monetize your content on your websites, Youtube and Twitch channels in cooperation with the Brave Browser. There are more platforms being added soon!

Blockchain Technology is changing everything, and this is a great example of how a technology you already know and love like the internet can benefit from a blockchain based crypto currency!

Just try it and you will how to earn free.

Originally published at DreamiFly Blog.

