How Not To Apply To An Accelerator (part 3)

Andrew Ackerman
Published in
1 min readOct 19, 2016

This is part 3 of my “self-defense essay”. If you missed the prior installments, start here with The #EpicNovelFail

The #I’mNotListeningFail

As much as we loath long-winded answers, I’ll take a long response that actually answers the question over a short one that doesn’t.

Sometimes I wonder what question the applicant thought he was answering. Check out these examples:

Q: What is your solution? What’s unique about your solution?

A: My mission is to right the wrong, which is just putting United States back on the ideology that built our country…

Q: Tell us about your customers/users …

A: We are using a combination of all the most successful solutions around the world

Tip: After writing you answer, re-read the question and ask yourself, “Is there anything in what I wrote that is not actually answering that question?”

Next up: The #TrustMeFail



Andrew Ackerman

Serial entrepreneur, sometimes angel investor, Managing Director at @Dreamit.