How Not To Apply To An Accelerator (part 8)

Andrew Ackerman
Published in
1 min readDec 8, 2016

This is part 8 of my “self-defense essay”. If you missed the prior installments, start here with The #EpicNovelFail

Accelerator Application Best Practices:

  • Read the entire application before starting to answer the questions
  • Copy the questions to Word and compose your answers offline.
  • Don’t make us look outside the application.
  • Review your answers to make sure that you are actually answering the question…
  • … with actual data and metrics …
  • … citing sources where needed …
  • … but without wasting time on the obvious (to us) …
  • … nor repeating yourself.
  • Then edit down your answers to make them as concise as possible.
  • Sleep on it and then review your entire application with all attached material from start to finish to make sure it flows and that you haven’t missed anything big.

Good luck!



Andrew Ackerman

Serial entrepreneur, sometimes angel investor, Managing Director at @Dreamit.