I believe in you!

Amulya Raghavan
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4 min readApr 9, 2021

GOOD MORNING! And welcome, to… whatever the hell today’s theme is! Maybe this newsletter is starting to sound like I’m giving advice or maybe that’s what it is.

My bangs have overgrown and I’m obviously not going to step out and get it cut, so I guess I’ll be looking like Howl for a good while. If you want a reference, here is a picture of Howl.

LOL. Anyway, so. HAPPY FEARLESS DAY EVERYONE! Taylor Swift has once again, saved the year. Listen, I’ll be honest and tell you that I was excited when Fearless first released in 2008, but my 9 year old goblin brain could only process so much of the lyrics. You Belong With Me, however, changed my life and was my standard response to any crush I had. That said, the album might not have done much for me when it released, but it did do a lot as I got older.

So, I titled this newsletter ‘I believe in you!’ because I feel like we could all use a pick-me-up right now. Times are depressing, nearly every single news headline is just worse than the other and slowly, but surely, we’re losing some faith in humanity, right? Well, I’m not here to tell you to renew your faith with humans, but to renew your faith with yourself. The overarching theme of Fearless is really just: you might wanna look before you jump, but you should make the jump anyway, because you don’t know what it could bring you (aside from maybe, broken bones?). Last night’s theme was somewhat similar but I guess I’ll be discussing more about it. So, we’re entering admissions season or exam season or just in general a time where the feeling of uncertainty is just revved up to the maximum.

I want to tell you that feeling uncertain is totally okay, but you should also have some faith in yourself. It doesn’t have to be a lot, just a little faith is enough to get you places, trust me. When you believe in yourself, how you approach things changes a lot. While still marked with uncertainty and doubt, you still know that you’re capable of good things; GREAT things, even! Maybe someone should tell you that and maybe that someone is me. :)

It’s difficult, I know. I don’t have faith in myself a lot of times, too but that’s okay. Life is not about knowing everything, everything is arbitrary and the only thing constant in our life is change. But life is also about the faith you put in yourself now, knowing that whatever you have set your heart towards, you will reach there in due time. Sometimes we need a little push, like the wind in a sailboat. Sometimes, though, you just have to trust the process. If you spent so much of your time trying to change things you can’t and spend less time working on what you can, life becomes difficult to handle because you want a solid answer to everything. Feelings come, they don’t have a reason to be here always. Don’t break your head trying to find reasons why some feeling has decided to come up. Instead, just sit with it and think ‘Alright, you’re here. I don’t know what you could possibly want, but that’s okay. Have a seat, maybe we can talk later?’ This way, you acknowledge it and let it be.

You don’t have to 100% believe in yourself — but you should 30% at least. I know you’re all doing the best you can to survive whatever this dumpster fire is and that in itself should make you feel proud (besides, you don’t have to feel like you have to survive all the time. take a break. scream. cry. laugh. it doesn’t matter). You’re doing the best you can with what you have and when you finally reach the step that will help you advance in life, just know that you got this. It’s gonna alright. Trust me, I know. :)

Anyway, I feel like I’m starting to get repetitive so here is a list of ASMRtists on YouTube you should totally check out if you’re into that!

  1. Latte ASMR
  2. TingTing ASMR (she’s currently on a break, but she has over 600 videos to choose from!)
  3. GoodNight Moon ASMR
  4. Gibi ASMR
  5. Moonlight Cottage ASMR
  6. Jocie B ASMR
  7. ASMR Bakery

Today’s poem is from Lunch Poems by Frank o’Hara:

Isn’t it so lovely?

I don’t have any artwork with me, at the moment to send, so keep an eye out for tonight’s newsletter which will have zero talking from me and more poems that I recommend, books I’ve read and LOADS of artwork from artists I love!

Always dive in head first, fearless (;),


