I Lost My Love but Found My Passion for Writing

Nothing was ever gone it just transformed

Lalita Janette
Lalita Janette


Photo by Ashlyn Ciara on Unsplash

When I lost the most precious love I was so attached to.
It was not hard to leave another thing behind: the EGO.
I knelt and surrendered to something greater than myself.

A miraculous event happened. My Intuition — the internal GPS — took over my practical mind and led me to follow my heart to the tropical island where the story “Wild Love Holy Island” has taken place

Image by Jonny Lindner from Pixabay

Looking back it wasn’t a coincidence that suddenly, my cell phone broke before the trip. I was disconnected from the world and was fully present in life in front of me.

Desperate to connect and express, I found paper and pen as my companion. I started to journal the miraculous events, page after page until I lost the sense of time. I realized I love writing.

“You are a writer.” The silent thought came into my mind.

All of a sudden, I had a realization of my mission here on earth. My muscles got…



Lalita Janette
Lalita Janette

Writer of Wild Love Holy Island, founder of Dream Maker publication, sharing Love, building Relationships, enjoying Sexuality, exploring the Spiritual realm