Oops, I Did It Unfiltered: Embracing Imperfections & Finding My Voice

Oops, I Did It Unfiltered: Embracing Imperfections & Finding My Voice

Lalita Janette
Lalita Janette


Hey folks! I have a big plan, a really big one, too big that it could not find its way out of my head. I am struck with a perfectionism phobia. That sucks, yeah I know!

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I’m sure you know what I mean! So to break free from this, I need to act without thinking. I am not suggesting this to anyone, really!

This idea came to me after I watched a YouTube video of a young girl, sharing how lonely she was with a big cry, no prob, no great lighting, no amazing microphone, and no makeup. Crazy, the view count was over 2 million. That video has ignited something in me and encouraged me to be me.

The flash thought came to my mind.

Let’s just film something, speak whatever, and post it as a way to unlock myself from the perfectionist loop.

So I followed the guide.

I am on my second day now and I saw a big shift in me. (Fingers crossed that I could keep doing it).

The first day I was very nervous. I did my makeup and tried to set the background and so on!



Lalita Janette
Lalita Janette

Writer of Wild Love Holy Island, founder of Dream Maker publication, sharing Love, building Relationships, enjoying Sexuality, exploring the Spiritual realm