The Roar of Mind

Ram Bansal
Dreams On Fire!
Published in
2 min readJul 8, 2020

I seek to discover the universal language of humanity,
To communicate with the voice of my real personality.
I’m in two minds about the first chapter in the book of life,
If it’s title is making money or harnessing the power of time.
Time, an enigma, yet is a known fundamental dimension of reality,
But it remains unknown to those who are enslaved by conformity.
I train my mind to absorb the crux of our glorious history,
Which narrates an inevitable cycle of defeat and victory.
I grind to radiate the light of hard work in times of uncertainty,
While chasing the black hole of my deep passion in obscurity.
I wonder why focusing on future insecurities is the biggest insecurity,
When “Optimizing The Present” is the only available key to this mystery.
I am labeled illogical when taking an emotionally driven action,
But exploring the world of emotions is what fuels my passion.
I urge my mind to avoid poisonous thoughts invading my inner harmony,
By cultivating faith in the meditation to tune with my mind’s symphony.
I endeavor to deposit my energy and time in the bank of my passion,
To savor the essence of the journey offered by this mystic creation.
I aspire to be a success seeker, not a failure avoider,
By following my hunch and trailing my instincts as a real fighter.
I refuse to let the job description be my self-description,
Because life is not a job, but a constellation of multiple vocations.
I oppose waiting until the traffic lights of my life turn green,
That’s the only way to live a King’s life with my queen.
I love to sow the seed of greatness in the fertile land of my mind,
By watering hope and strength to the crops of humankind.
I will never stop walking down the path designed by my soul,
The path towards a prosperous nation evolving as a whole.
I will aim for stars and would miss it rather than not aiming at all,
So, I continue to churn my mind to endure all upcoming downfalls.
When I surrender to an invisible force which takes the place of “I,”
A tidal wave of infinite potential penetrates inside my ocean eyes.

~A Dreamer

