The world of Dreams

Ram Bansal
Dreams On Fire!
Published in
5 min readApr 27, 2020
Courtesy: Rewire Me

Hey Dreamer,

I hope you and your family are well. In this piece, I will explicitly share my thoughts on the fanatic world of dreams. As I am writing this blog, I feel exhilarated and highly motivated. I hope positive souls who want to achieve big in their lives will relate to this blog.

What Are Dreams?

I have seen that the word “Dream” is often interchangeably used with many others, such as “goal”, “vision”, “mission”, “purpose”, “milestone”, “urge”, “desire”, etc. In my opinion, a dream is your source of natural motivation. Every time you flash it in your memory, it rewires your brain and ignites your soul. The thought of pursuing it sparks your inner conscience.

“A dream is a self-motivated thought which shapes out as a vision followed by its self-realization.” — RB

A dream is a thought that remains silent in one safe corner of your brain and it starts manifesting when you explore your passion with an ardent desire. It goes through several stages of evolution, just like emotions. Even though our dream is frequently whispering in our heads, reverates inside our minds, we fail to realize it because of the lack of enough introversion.

Nature of Dreams

The nature of dreams is directly proportional to the quality of your thoughts. Your thoughts are the product of what you feed your brain. You are most likely to have inferior thoughts if you spend time with people having a limited perspective. Your habits, behavior, intuition, and belief in your thoughts are majorly determined by past experiences. Like if you fear dreaming big, chances are you are restricted to the same thinking because you remain unexposed to the mindset of high achievers. The level of your positive energy is capped by the amount of confidence in your most superior thought. Everyone operates on a certain mental frequency, which can also be upskilled with persistent effort, triggered by a strong reason.

“A Dream should be as magnanimous as it can be” — Dr. Anand Ratan Tiwari

I am fortunate enough to be mentored by some multi-talented personalities who have vowed to serve their purpose. If you are pursuing a great vision with pure intentions, it will sooner or later attract like-minded individuals. With time, you radiate positivity, ignite an eternal flame in passionate souls, and imprint reverberating ideas in curious minds. As said, what your mind can conceive and perceive, it can achieve.

A thought turns to fruition when one pours his heart and soul into it. Once you take action and have no way to retreat, then you have no other option but to start walking down the path of your dream journey. But if your actions are not aligned with your beliefs, you are lying to yourself.

Embracing The Lion’s Attitude

Ever wondered why a Lion is the King of the Jungle despite the presence of stronger, larger, wiser, and fast animals? A Lion’s fearless attitude reflects his strong will and ruthlessness in hunting. Many broad-minded and bright minds fail to prove their worth due to a lack of a brave attitude. Think like the person you intend to become. Although it’s impossible to gain years of experience ahead of time. However, embracing the attitude of your future self in the present is highly attainable by channelizing the flow of mental energy.

“There is no passion to be found playing small — in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living” — Nelson Mandela

It’s a simple concept of risk and reward. The higher you take a reasonable chance, the more reward you are entitled to receive. But nothing worthwhile comes easy. Some individuals take pride in idolizing successful entrepreneurs, such as Elon Musk, but seldom they focus on his attitude. They don’t feel the urge to learn his real struggles, his philosophy, his set of beliefs. Hence, they develop a shallow perspective where they are unable to accept the journey and are only obsessed with his current successful status. Attitude is the shield that protects your self-confidence, self-esteem, and your beliefs. It reflects whether you have a follower or a CEO personality. You can learn more about the powerful concept of this attitude here.

The Origin of Great Visionaries

Leaders are born out of their hunger for success. The origin of every top-performing company is followed by a unique idea. Ever wondered who determines an employee’s future milestones incorporates? The brain envisioning the roadmap of your firm is in relentless pursuit of a vision. Leadership is not just about leading a bunch of smart people, it deals with inspiring the team by capturing their imagination with the firm’s vision. We are paid for working on someone else’s dream and it’s mutually beneficial as long as you are satisfied with your learning curve. It’s better to work under an experienced person than to gain experience with a lost mind. It’s worthwhile to be a follower until you know the game. A follower is as great as a leader.

“It’s not who you are underneath, it’s what you do that defines you.” — The Dark Knight Rises

But the moment you realize what feeds your soul, your passion, you should channelize your entire energy towards achieving it. With feeding curiosity comes opportunities, which further lead to valuable experiences. This video nicely explains the importance of having a vision:

What’s Stopping Us From Unleashing Our True Potential?

There are numerous reasons for our hampered growth. Based on my observations, I am going to mention a few of them that I think we are most vulnerable to:

  1. Herd Mentality — This is the biggest reason which limits us from pursuing our passion. It is driven by fear of peer pressure. Those who follow herd mentality are not ready to accept the fact that fear is their master. Those who overcome their fears and succeed in their lives hardly share their story because they are so busy living it.
  2. Lack of Support — A person is most likely to be disowned by society if he dares to take an unconventional path. Losers seek satisfaction by convincing the people with winning attitudes to join their club. Weak-minded dreamers give in and start considering themselves as a leader of losers. And it grows over time.
  3. Lack of Self-Awareness — Most people spend their entire life without exploring their passion. They know more about others than themselves. The compounded effect of herd mentality and lack of support discourages individuals to introspect and search for what they are born for. As a result, people lose free will and seek external validation to measure their success.

It’s better to move slowly on an unknown path than to race on a known path with an unknown destination. He who says he can and he who says he can’t, are both usually right.

