Corporate Greed Is Killing The World

The little man always loses

Wes Spindler
Dreams & Excellence


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Who the fuck is tired of saving money on his auto insurance?! Not this guy with two thumbs!

Isn’t that the jackass slogan that has been making GEICO a powerhouse in the space? I can’t speak for the world but America is always touting that they are the greatest country.

America is getting fleeced, that’s what goes on- on this side of the pond. These corporate jackwagons are flogging us and taking the life force from us all. Healthcare is always up our ass, they don’t want to fix us but they want to milk every illness we deal with.

Today is one of Warren Buffet’s babies though, I envy these geniuses but I also loathe them as well. Berkshire Hathaway’s Chairman and CEO is the Oracle of Omaha, Mr. Warren Buffet.

In 1996 Berkshire Hathaway acquired GEICO and now GEICO is a behemoth in auto insurance.

“Someone’s sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a long time ago.”

That was a great quote from Buffet, and I have respected the guy at times. His family will forever reap rewards from his tree planting but the fucking guy doesn’t need the whole forest!

I received an email today that said I could pay my bill which isn’t actually due until February…

