Hey Anxiety! Is that you?

Aslam Naqvi
Dreams in Healing Ink
3 min readJul 13, 2023


Anxiety (generated by DeepAI)

Have you ever had that moment when you’re casually strolling through life, minding your own business, and suddenly, out of nowhere, anxiety pops up like an uninvited guest at a party? Oh yes, my friends, that’s precisely what happened to me recently. It was like running into an old friend, except this friend has the uncanny ability to make your heart race and your palms sweat in record time.

Picture this: I’m peacefully sipping my morning coffee, feeling all calm and collected, when BAM! Anxiety shows up, unannounced and unapologetic. It’s like, “Hey there! Remember me? It’s been a while, hasn’t it?” Oh, how I wish I could forget you, dear anxiety.

But let’s face it; anxiety has a way of making even the most mundane situations seem like a life-or-death scenario. Suddenly, choosing what to wear becomes a Herculean task, as if the fate of the universe hangs in the balance. I find myself standing in front of my closet, paralyzed with indecision, contemplating the cosmic significance of a sock choice. Seriously, anxiety? It’s just socks!

And don’t even get me started on social interactions. Every innocent conversation turns into a mental minefield. Should I say this? Should I have said that? Did they think my joke was funny, or did they secretly label me as the resident weirdo? Ah, the joys of overthinking brought to you by our friendly neighbourhood anxiety.

But you know what? Despite the chaos it brings, anxiety does have its own twisted sense of humour. It loves to show up at the most inconvenient times, like during an important meeting or a romantic date. It’s like a mischievous little imp, giggling in the corner while you struggle to keep your composure. “Oh, you thought you could have a moment of peace? Not on my watch!” Anxiety seems to say, chuckling away.

And let’s not forget the physical manifestations of anxiety. Racing heart? Check. Sweaty palms? Double check. It’s like our body is having its own personal dance party, and anxiety is the DJ playing all the hottest tracks. I mean, who needs a cardio workout when you can have a good ol’ anxiety-induced heart palpitation session, right?

But hey, as much as anxiety can be a relentless companion, it’s also a reminder of our humanity. It reminds us that we care deeply, that we have passions and fears, and that we’re willing to fight for what we believe in. So, in a weird and twisted way, anxiety is like a not-so-gentle nudge from the universe, telling us to live fully and embrace the rollercoaster ride of life.

So, dear anxiety, I suppose I can’t fully escape your clutches. But know this: I’ll face you head-on, armed with laughter, self-compassion, and a sprinkle of sarcasm. Because in this journey called life, we all need a good laugh, even in the company of our neurotic friend, anxiety.

