I miss you Baba

Aslam Naqvi
Dreams in Healing Ink
2 min readJul 12, 2023


My father

In shadows cast by sorrow’s solemn veil, A grieving daughter mourns her father’s flight. Her heart, an open wound that yearns to heal, As memories of their bond ignite.

Her soul, once warmed by his paternal light, Now wanders in the depths of loss profound. Each day a struggle, filled with endless night, A fragile vessel on tempestuous ground.

She craves the solace of his tender touch, The strength he lent, a beacon in the storm. His laughter, like a melody loved so much, Now echoes faintly, forlorn.

Yet in the depths of darkness, hope can rise, A flicker amidst the caverns of despair. Her father’s love, an everlasting prize, Embraces her, as whispers in the air.

For though he’s gone, his spirit lingers near, In gentle whispers of a summer breeze. She finds him in the memories held dear, Guiding her through life’s treacherous seas.

With tear-stained cheeks and heavy heart, she grieves, A mosaic of emotions intertwined. But through the pain, she slowly retrieves The strength to heal, the power to find.

For in her father’s love, a legacy, She’ll find the courage to face each day anew. With every step, she moves towards the sea Of healing, where her wounded spirit grew.

And as the sun ascends, a golden hue, She’ll honor him, her love forever true. In memories cherished, their bond secure, A grieving daughter finds solace pure.

