Mum, Me & Mental-Health

What I want…… part 1

Aslam Naqvi
Dreams in Healing Ink


Mother and daughter (generated by DeepAI)

In the realm where hearts intertwine, A tale unfolds, both yours and mine. A journey shared, a bond so deep, A mother’s love, a treasure to keep.

Mum, oh beacon of strength and care, With tender embrace and patient flair, You held me close through joys and strife, Navigating the labyrinth of life.

But behind the smiles, I often hid, A silent battle that lay beneath the lid. In the depths of my mind, shadows would creep, Mental health struggles, secrets I’d keep.

Yet you, dear Mum, saw through the veil, Instinctively sensing when I felt frail. With arms wide open, devoid of fear, You stood beside me, wiping every tear.

Together we embarked on a path unknown, Confronting demons, not facing them alone. Your love, a fortress, sturdy and true, Provided shelter as I fought and grew.

Through sleepless nights and endless fears, Your unwavering support dried my tears. You held my hand in the darkest hour, A beacon of hope, a healing power.

And as I journeyed through therapy’s door, You never wavered, providing more. A listening ear, a comforting touch, Your presence alone meant so much.

We learned together, me and Mum, That mental health battles can be won. With understanding, empathy, and grace, We embraced the journey, finding solace’s embrace.

Mum, you taught me resilience’s art, To value self-care, to tend to my heart. You showed me that strength can bloom from pain, And that vulnerability need not be in vain.

In this intricate dance of Mum and me, We navigate the tides of uncertainty. With open hearts and minds attuned, We shatter stigmas, misconceptions pruned.

So here’s to the bond we forever share, A testament to love, an unbreakable pair. Mum, thank you for being my guiding light, In the realm of mental health’s delicate plight.

Together, let’s continue to champion and heal, To foster understanding, to break the seal. For in our unity, there lies the key, A world where mental health thrives, unbound and free.

