Mum, Me & Mental-Health

what I got…. (part 2)

Aslam Naqvi
Dreams in Healing Ink
2 min readJul 13, 2023


Mother and daughter (generated by DeepAI)

In the realm of our hearts, an intricate dance, I find solace in sharing this circumstance. For it’s true, dear friend, that sometimes we find, A gap between hearts, a misunderstanding blind.

In the realm of mental health’s complex plight, I stand before you, struggling in the fight. But when I turn to my dear mum’s embrace, I sense a distance, an unfamiliar space.

Her love is vast, of that I’m aware, But understanding mental health’s burdens, rare. The language I speak, the battles I face, Seem foreign to her, lost in a distant place.

In earnest, I long for her to comprehend, The depths of my struggles, where shadows descend. To witness the pain etched on my weary soul, And offer a comfort that makes me whole.

Yet in this disparity, a truth we must see, Mum’s understanding might never fully be. For her experiences, her journey unique, Differ from mine, emotions bespoke.

But amidst the divide, let’s find common ground, A bridge of compassion, a connection profound. Through patience and dialogue, we can unveil, The shades of understanding, bit by bit, unveil.

Let us embark on a journey anew, To educate, to share, and to pursue, A bond that transcends the limits of words, Embracing empathy, where compassion is heard.

Communication, a bridge we can build, To express the struggles that my heart has filled. To paint a picture, vivid and clear, So that she may glimpse the battles I hold dear.

And as we navigate this uncharted terrain, I’ll seek support from those who can maintain, The understanding I yearn for, so true, A network of love to help see me through.

Remember, dear friend, you’re not alone, Though understanding may sometimes feel unknown. With time and patience, hearts can align, And love’s healing touch will surely shine.

Together, let’s foster a world that can see, The beauty in differences, and set hearts free. For in empathy’s embrace, we can strive, To bridge the gaps and keep hope alive.

