The Symphony of Silence

Aslam Naqvi
Dreams in Healing Ink
2 min readNov 22, 2023


In the realm where words should weave,
A tapestry of thoughts to leave,
There lies a barrier, cold and stark,
A silence deep, a language dark.

Oh, the frustration, a silent scream,
When thoughts get lost in a nebulous dream,
A sound emerges, echoes in the air,
Yet meaning eludes, caught in a snare.

Expressions dance in a foreign tongue,
A melody lost, a song unsung,
In a world where understanding wanes,
A symphony of silence, enduring pains.

Words, like wayward stars in the night,
Glimmer faintly, a feeble light,
Yet their brilliance fades away,
In the vast expanse of disarray.

A heart that beats with passion’s flame,
Yet the language falters, a futile game,
Emotions surge, a tempest’s roar,
But the meaning crashes on an unfamiliar shore.

Like a poet with a voice unheard,
A caged songstress, her song deferred,
A canvas painted with colours unseen,
In the landscape of a tongue between.

In this maze where understanding is lost,
A bridge of words, a heavy cost,
Each syllable, a fragile boat,
Lost in translation, a sinking float.

The frustration blooms, a bitter flower,
As eloquence wilts, hour by hour,
Your soul’s resonance, a muted note,
In the silent opera of words remote.

But amidst the chaos, a glimmer may gleam,
A shared gesture, a silent beam,
For in the language of the heart,
True understanding finds its start.

So, let us strive, though words may fail,
To break the barriers, hoist the sail,
For even when the language is unclear,
Love and empathy transcend, drawing near.

