
Laine Slater
Published in
2 min readNov 21, 2018

Welcome to Dreams/Nightmares! The place for sci-fi, fantasy and horror short fiction. This is a publication dedicated to short tales of the weird and wonderful, and the uncomfortable and unthinkable.

We’re looking to help fellow writers gain exposure for their engaging and interesting short fiction, as well as gain experience in the writing process and encourage discussion about their work.

If you would like your short story published on our publication…

Email either Laine (

or Nathan (

Please email your short story along with your Medium link and full name. We will reply as soon as possible with confirmation of the date your work will be published if accepted.

Note that by submitting your work, you are giving us the permission to edit/make suggestions to your work and return it to you for conformation.

How to Submit:

The perfect layout to make things easier for everyone

It would also be great to mention if you have been published in anything else.

General Guidelines:

  • Please ensure that your short story is within the desired genres of sci-fi, fantasy and horror. Other than that, anything goes!
  • We welcome controversial topics and opinions, gore and profanity within the realms of reason…
  • Please ensure everything submitted is formatted correctly and edited to the best of your ability, though we will also go over your work and edit to make sure it’s the best quality possible.
  • Remember, this is short fiction, so please try and keep submissions at 5000 words and under, though some exceptions can be made.
  • Don’t send the send the same story to another publication as to avoid confusion.
  • No plagiarism.
  • Attach a header photo!

