

Albert Serna Jr.
Dreams of Death


The rain is falling on this unusually humid day, skies grey and ominous, a sign I’m reading too far into.

I know it’s foolish to want you to myself when you’ve already committed to another, but the feelings you give and the way that we move when we’re alone in my bed,

Those long moments of sweaty unity, blended together like pictures from our hearts glued carefully into a collage, still make me weak.

And the thoughts of you in an others arms all but drives me insane, and maybe I am and there’s no going back but,

For those times when we’re one, when heaven bows to the force of our love and angels writhe and beg for a piece of our hearts,

I’d accept perdition and denounce all that is good for one more chance to hear you sleep by my side.



Albert Serna Jr.
Dreams of Death

Journalist, Traveler, Homo-Extraordinaire. Let’s get weird! CLOD.