Albert Serna Jr.
Dreams of Death
Published in
1 min readJul 12, 2015


And Other Songs


Date Unknown

October came in the dead of night sending chills as I wrap myself under the covers.
Too cold now to run the fan, a sign that summer has already gone like smoke from your mouth as you pass me cigarette.
Early autumn light sneaks in through my not quite shut curtains casting a periwinkle haze on clothes discarded on the floor.

I look at my wall lined with pictures and keepsakes from a wild adventure that once was us.
Soon the smell of coffee will fill the home we shared as I box our time away,
To be hidden until nostalgia creeps under my skin and forces me to ride down memory lane.

But until then, the cold morning air will keep me snuggled in bed while I long for our not-so endless summer.



Albert Serna Jr.
Dreams of Death

Journalist, Traveler, Homo-Extraordinaire. Let’s get weird! CLOD.