A date that never happened!

Dharmesh Ba
Dreams of Vanilla
Published in
5 min readJan 7, 2018

I don’t see her coming, why am I even waiting here? Who dares to pull off a Bollywood stunt like this? I am making a fool out of myself. Oh Gosh! These women here, walking. Why are they even starting at me? Do they know it? Is this something that is published on social media? Shit! Donkey. Donkey. I am a Donkey. I should better get going home. What did I send her last night?

‘I am going to wait near Hole lotta love cafe at 9:30 am, if you want to meet an interesting stranger, you could come over. Else you could spend yet another weekend at home and I shall have my English breakfast all alone’.

English breakfast?! Mannankatti (seriously?) When have I ever had a English breakfast? A freaking vegetarian! Im the one asking for extra chutneys in Shanti Sagar without sambar. I know, Meghna asked me to act smart, but this is over smart. Meghna is a friend and she will always finds something nice to encourage me. Ok. Its 9:35 already. She isn’t coming. I should get going. But what if she was stuck in a traffic. She said she lives far away. Where is Mathikere located? Near Yeshwantpur. How far is Yeshwantpur?

Ranga, standing on the pavement opposite to the cafe, pulls out his smart phone to find the distance between Koramangala and Yeshwantpur. 36 minutes shows the map.

Let me calculate the time she must have woken up, 9:30 minus 36 minutes gives, let me keep it 40 minutes for easy maths. Fine lets say one hour to make it more simpler. That is 8:30 am. Wow. She should have started there by 8:30 am. To start at 8:30 am, she must have gotten up by at-least 7:30 am. Damn. Pucca. She is not coming. I mean , let me be logical. Im not a celebrity, nor her friend, why will she take the pain to wake up at 7:30 am to see me? I know her only for the past two weeks. Know her seems like little a bit of stretch. I have been talking to her only….no no no..let me correct. I have been texting her only for the past two weeks. Yes she is interesting. But I almost feel any girl is interesting. In fact the fact that she is a girl is interesting to me. Im a despo. She is not going to come.

But, we did have interesting conversations about science fiction writings. We discussed about 2001 space odyssey. She also mentioned about a movie she liked. What was that? I don’t remember. Shit! In fact I don’t remember anything she recommended. Am I doing it again? Am I? Yes I am. I have done it before and I am doing it now. I was full of myself. Must have not let her express or dint bother about what she expressed. She must have thought, Im a creep. She is not gonna come. I should get going. Its 9:40am. I better not waste time. Idlis get over by 10 am at Hattti Kappi. I should get atleast one pleasure for a Sunday and I tell you, idli’s don’t disappoint unlike women.

Did I withdraw cash last night? Nope. I dint. Where is the ATM nearby. I have walked through this street , a zillion times, but never spotted an ATM. I shall walk till the end of the street to try my luck. So this is the deal, Im going to walk along this pavement for about 300 mts to spot an ATM and if I spot one, then she would come. If I don’t, then the universe doesn’t want me to meet her. 300 mts is too low. Assuming a theoretical statistics, ATMs will be useful only for every 500 mts. So let me walk 500 mts.

Curious Ranga starts walking along the pavement towards the end of the road, looking at both his sides.

This is the end. No ATM. Go back home? But last time, I acquired all the gold coins in subway surfer, yet I dint get my promotion. Universe can be wrong sometimes. Uh! I am just playing a blame game here. What did she text last night?

Ranga pulls out his smart phone again to open watsapp and reads the previous nights’ conversation.

‘Ranga I have a bad news to deliver’

‘What is it?’

‘I will not be able to meet you tomorrow’

‘Can I know why?’

‘You have been so patient about this entire thing. I appreciate that. But someone from my past has turned up and I have to deal with it before I take any new step. Frankly I don’t even know what am I doing?’

‘Aren’t you over thinking’

‘I don’t want to lead you to something that might not happen’

‘Im not expecting anything either. Everybody goes through bad past. Including me.’

‘Its a tough call Ranga’

‘You are pressurising yourself. Don’t do it. Lets do something. Im a fun person to hang out with. Tomorrow when you come, Im not going hit on you, Im not gonna flirt with you or try to impress you, none of that bull shit. We could have a breakfast over a nice conversation. I can crack more lame jokes to see you smile. What say?’

‘I know Ranga, but’

‘No buts, I am going to wait near Hole lotta love cafe at 9:30 am, if you want to meet an interesting stranger, you could come over. Else you could spend yet another weekend at home and I shall have my English breakfast all alone. No have a good sleep’

‘Good night Ranga’

Ranga closes the app and puts back the phone in his pocket.

Dude where did she even say that she is coming. Not even a hint. What was I doping last night to send such shit and come this morning hoping she will come. Ok Im going to go and pick my bike and head back home.

Ranga walks back to grab his vehicle.

Why am I walking this slow. Enough of embarrassment. Walk fast. Walk fast. Where is my bike? There it is. Should I wait for last 2 minutes. Fuck it, Im going.

By the time, Ranga pulls his bike to start, he sees a blue zen crossing by him.

Wait, is that her? Did I see her? I am hallucinating.

Ranga spots a tall woman wearing a red tee walking out of the car across into to the cafe.

That could be her. Don’t tell me, that she is here for me.

Ranga’s watsapp pings. Its her message.

‘Hey I have reached’

Ranga texts back ’Red t-shirt?’

and receives a reply ’Yes’

Woah! After all that happened, she managed to come. I’m nervous




Dharmesh Ba
Dreams of Vanilla

Building @D91Labs, Design lead @setu. NID alumnus, ex-Cleartax. All things fintech.