Don’t Depend on Others for Happiness

We require companionship but do not need to demand it.

Aimée Sparrow
Dreamscapes in the Simulacrum


Image by msandersmusic from Pixabay

It is easy to focus on others when we are seeking happiness. How can they help me? What can they do for me? How can they keep me company and cheer me up? You only ever need one person and that’s yourself.

Sometimes others don’t have the strength, or ability, are not willing to put in the effort, and time, and will not identify, relate, or empathize with you. You may find yourself desperately seeking out people who sense you in an intimate way, with compassion, feeling, and love, that we fail to supply ourselves.

We can’t trust people who don’t somehow get something clearly out of making you happy. There needs to be an exchange, something you give back, in order to make the relationship work. If we are not ready to give that back, we are not ready to form that bond. It’s more like a contract than something you shop for. It’s something you have to commit to working towards and tending to overtime.

If you are not ready, it will be abundantly clear, and no matter how much you’d like this friendship, you will not have a friend. It will be abundantly clear that you are not ready to be there for the other person and they will lose interest fairly quickly. When we are not centered or balanced we sap energy from others, and…



Aimée Sparrow
Dreamscapes in the Simulacrum

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.