How Important is Dreaming Anyway?

Dreaming is the core process by which we generate outcomes.

Aimée Sparrow
Dreamscapes in the Simulacrum


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After researching what is possible if spirituality is true, which I took the jump and assumed after hearing about shared dreaming through people’s psychic ability, I started realizing reality isn’t what we think it is.

I read a few books, had a few experiences, and then concluded that the astral world, led by consciousness creating physical reality, is the ultimate existential truth from which we all come and where we eventually go. Biocentrism, which says that all observable reality comes from our minds and imaginations, fits well with the astral theories I’ve encountered.

Dreaming allows our consciousness to be free and do what it was meant to do, and along with it, our soul, higher self, spirit guide (coincident nature), and energy body come together to form an ultimate being incapable of fear. We go exploring where others may dare not go and enjoy our lives more deeply in the process.

Before spirituality, I thought life was bleak or finite, that our existence now is fragile, might be pointless, and was not building toward something far greater than the sum of its parts, and that I’d be forgotten a century after death.



Aimée Sparrow
Dreamscapes in the Simulacrum

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.