Your Inner Power

What can a regular human being do?

Aimée Sparrow
Dreamscapes in the Simulacrum


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According to modern-day spirituality, we create our reality. Manifestation implies that our consciousness is a power that restructures our physical reality to make any outcome we focus on possible. These concepts, if applied, produce magical results.

As a lucid dreamer, I use what I can to have the best time of my life as often as possible. I use the spiritual aspect of dreaming to manifest everything I desire and surprise myself daily with how well it has gone.

Today, I desperately and hopelessly want nothing impossible for me to attain. I spent years going through mental torture and enormous emotional distress to reach this point. Overcoming your version of hell is as easy as being diagnosed with bipolar disorder and seeing a path before you that you must cross. Then, working hard to cross it.

I am now using my inner power to modify aspects of myself to become the best version of myself. We must develop solid compassion for and understanding of ourselves to optimize wellness and capacity for love and joy. Once we do this, nothing we face is insurmountable, and we can build a beautiful life.

What I enjoy most are wonderful people and social events, creative activities where we learn new and fun skills, reading books about what I love, promoting thoughts…



Aimée Sparrow
Dreamscapes in the Simulacrum

An explorer of the philosophy behind psychology and what we dream to inspire peace and solace from suffering.