You Need to Use Video Marketing Now: Read Powerful Reasons here

A component of an integrated marketing communications plan specially designed to increase audience engagement through social activity

apurva maniar
5 min readJun 11, 2021


Photo by Sticker Mule on Unsplash

“The amount of information contained in one single frame can take 3 pages to describe. The feeling, the colors, the message is seen immediately. It is a known fact that people engage more when they watch a video and tend to stay watching it. They are also happy to pass it along. Video informs and entertains people and, good or bad, today most people prefer to watch a video rather than read a page of text.”

-Lisa Lubin

63 percent of organizations have started employing video content marketing, according to Wyzowl statistics. 82 percent of those surveyed believe video marketing is an important aspect of their overall strategy. Video is fast evolving, and we can expect it to reach new heights sooner than we anticipate. This trend is spurred by the fact that 83 percent of organizations believe video marketing provides a high return on investment.

Without a question, video marketing is one of the most recent additions to your marketing toolkit. You may still have reservations. Is it truly worth it to think about using videos to promote your company? Do you have the necessary resources to generate and market video content?

The answer is straightforward: yes, it is worthwhile. Video is one of the most adaptable and profitable digital marketing techniques available, not simply because everyone is doing it. Here are some compelling reasons to start using video marketing right now.

Video Boosts Conversions and Sales

Photo by Isaac Smith on Unsplash

First and foremost. You can make a lot of money with videos. A product video on your landing page can boost conversions by as much as 80. Video might potentially result in direct sales. According to studies, 74% of people who saw an explainer video about a product or service went on to buy it. So get to work on your interesting product videos right away!

When you think about it, video’s effectiveness isn’t all that surprising. After all, our most dominating sense is vision. The majority of information sent to our brain is visual. So, if photographs can significantly increase engagement, think what moving visuals can do for your business.

Video Engages Even the Laziest Buyers

Photo by Priscilla Du Preez on Unsplash

Video content is not only an excellent learning tool, but it is also very easy to consume. Today’s life is far too hectic to devote time to reading lengthy product descriptions or researching services in depth. The modern customer expects to see a product in action before purchasing it. One of the most important factors driving the use of video in content marketing is video preference. Video marketing has the ability to reach a large number of people and works on multiple levels. Even the most slackers. Make sure you’re speaking to the potential client’s ears as well as their eyes. Your competitive advantage has been amplified!

Video Encourages Social Shares

Photo by Erik Lucatero on Unsplash

According to Michael Stelzner’s 8th annual Social Media Marketing Industry Report, 60 percent of social marketers used video content in 2015, and 73 percent of all respondents expected to use it in 2016. They certainly did.

With their new capabilities, social media platforms are also encouraging video creation. Instagram introduced 60-second videos and Instagram Stories, while Twitter introduced Periscope. YouTube is the world’s second most popular social network. In a social media context, however, video marketers must keep in mind that consumers share feelings rather than facts. If a branded video was engaging, 76 percent of users said they would share it with their friends. So, to increase social sharing, make amusing videos. Social shares can drive traffic to your site, and you can take it from there. Emotions aren’t precisely ROI, but they can help you grow your business.

Google Loves Videos

Photo by Solen Feyissa on Unsplash

Visitors will spend more time on your site if you use videos. As a result, more exposure creates confidence and informs search engines that your site contains valuable material. Moovly provides us with some impressive numbers: If you have a video embedded on your website, you’re 53 times more likely to rank #1 on Google. Since Google acquired YouTube, the number of influence videos have on your search engine ranking has increased significantly. Make sure your YouTube videos are SEO-friendly. Make names and descriptions that are intriguing. Include a link to your company’s website, products, and services. Provide a path for potential clients to take the next step. Also, to promote even more actions, look into the world of interactive videos. Include a link to your company’s website, products, and services. Provide a path for potential clients to take the next step. Also, to promote even more actions, look into the world of interactive videos.

Not only that, since Google owns YouTube — they love ranking their own site number one for a myriad of keywords. In other words, unless we’re willing to make a video, we’re not going to be above the fold.


Video advertising is becoming more accessible and economical. Video adoption is increasing in part due to technological advancements, but it’s also because it’s simple to disseminate all over the world. Creating marketing videos for your company involves both creativity and an understanding of human psychology. The combination of these elements allows for the creation of true advertising miracles at a low cost.

In a few days, emotionally charged, innovative video advertising may travel over the Internet, garnering millions of views. And that is precisely the goal of video marketing: only the most innovative survive!

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