DreamTeam Contributors Report Q3 2019

DreamTeam Token
Published in
9 min readOct 21, 2019

Dear Contributor,

The end of the third quarter of 2019 ushers in the third edition of the DreamTeam Contributors Quarterly Report. In our last Quarterly Report, we mentioned that the primary focus of Q2 was to evaluate the DreamTeam platform and feature KPI’s, highlight areas of opportunity, and outline possible strategic pivots. As a result, our metrics have never been higher. In Q3, DreamTeam focused on the development of our strategic pivots, adding support for a fourth game, updating our current platform features, and more. Keep in mind, if you don’t follow our monthly Development Reports, DreamTeam is working on a huge update that, at the current moment, cannot be publicly discussed. Let’s take a look at what we can discuss that has changed, in the last three months, on DreamTeam, the infrastructure platform for players, teams, tournaments, and sponsors.


With refined KPI’s and the removal of a few bottlenecks, DreamTeam’s metrics have never been higher. In Q3, we’ve seen a month-over-month increase in registrations, conversation rates, ARPU, and monthly active users. Even though we’ve seen a spike in our numbers, we are continuing to run a few A/B tests. For now, let’s take a look at some of the Q3 numbers:

  • 6 major updates
  • 1 new platform game
  • 5500 users engaged with for feedback
  • 1.7M emails sent

Product Development

In the past three months, DreamTeam’s added support for its fourth platform game, added and updated Apex Legends and Fortnite features, and launched performed a long list of A/B tests to help improve user acquisition and retention numbers.


In Q3, DreamTeam launched the following new platform module: the DreamTeam Playground. The feature was designed to help push a Player’s skills further without needing to have opponents readily available.

  • DreamTeam Playground: contains a series of packs that test existing skills and teach new tactics. Users simply click on a pack, choose a challenge, complete it, and DreamTeam will automatically give the user a pass/fail score. If they pass, they move on. If they fail, they have to try again.

Platform Features

The primary focus for platform features in Q3 was communication: the CS:GO and LoL DreamTeam Chat feature became a larger part of the recruitment process and the Apex Legends and Fortnite LFGs were updated with the following changes:

  • New Post Algorithm — Our LFG no longer displays posts based on when they were posted. Although doing that is helpful, it isn’t really what is most important to players who use our LFG feature. The DreamTeam LFG now displays posts based on who is currently online first.
  • Quick Skill Understanding — Each post displays the DreamTeam Rating. The DreamTeam Rating uses a complex algorithm to calculate a player’s overall skill based on stats and play experience.
  • Filter System — Players can now quickly filter LFG posts according to different players’ needs.
  • Sharing Capabilities — Players now have the ability to share whom they are looking for with players across Facebook groups and Twitter.

Q3 also saw the addition of Apex Prime and Prime Gold memberships as well as Fortnite Prime memberships. Apex Prime and Prime Gold include:

  • Profile and Stats — Players’ names are displayed in gold. Players can customize their profiles, view performance graphs, and analyze more in-depth stats.
  • Challenges — Access Prime Challenges with higher prize pools and more places paid and Prime Gold members no longer have participation limits.
  • LFG — Places players at the top of the LFG list for four hours and Prime Gold members no longer have LFG post limits.
  • Support — Live 24/7 chat support (PRIME GOLD).

Fortnite Prime includes:

  • Profile and Stats — Players’ names are displayed in gold. Players can customize their profiles, and analyze more in-depth stats.
  • Challenges — Access Prime Challenges with higher prize pools and no participation limits.
  • LFG — Places players at the top of the LFG list for four hours and no LFG post limits.
  • Support — Live 24/7 chat support.

Game Features

DreamTeam continues to not only add new games but continues to update existing game features. Q3 was a very busy quarter in terms of both.


In Q3, Fortnite was added to the DreamTeam family. Fortnite is a free-to-play Battle Royale game played by 250 million gamers around the world. Because of the success, Epic Games has had with Fortnite, DreamTeam will be able to reach tens of millions of young and dedicated gamers and provide them with

  • Profiles with Stats — Every Fortnite Player Profile displays stats, a breakdown of game modes played, a player’s latest achievements, and a list of similar players. Profiles also allow Players to connect various social media links.
  • Game Mode Stats — Displays which game modes a player excels at based on stats.
  • Latest Achievements — A player’s Challenge achievements are shown in the latest achievements section.
  • Similar Players — The Player Profiles display similar players. This is the easiest way to find players of the same skill. Players can add each other in Fortnite in order to play together.
  • Challenges — Each day, DreamTeam hosts two challenges. Each challenge has a specific goal to reach: get the most kills, have the highest win ratio, etc. Players can join one challenge per day for free and they have 24 hours to try to place in the top 3 places on the Challenge’s Leaderboard. The top 3 places receive a cool DT Challenge badge for their profile and a cash reward sent directly to their PayPal account.
  • Leaderboards — DreamTeam Fortnite Leaderboards allow users to see the world’s best players in ten different categories.
  • LFG — Looking for a group. Connects a player’s stats to each message and displays the player’s DT Rating in order to help players find the best player faster.

Apex Legends

  • Addition of Season 2 — Players can see their Season 2 stats and stats for any individual legend, including the new Legend Wattson.
  • Updated Player Profiles — The Apex Profiles have been redesigned. We now highlight the following three important Player statistics on every Player Profile: the player’s Apex rank, the player’s Apex level, and the player’s DreamTeam rank.
  • Challenges — Each day, DreamTeam hosts two challenges. Each challenge has a specific goal to reach: get the most kills, have the highest win ratio, etc. Players can join one challenge per day for free and they have 24 hours to try to place in the top 3 places on the Challenge’s Leaderboard. The top 3 places receive a cool DT Challenge badge for their profile and a cash reward sent directly to their PayPal account.
  • Leaderboards — DreamTeam Apex Leaderboards allow users to see the world’s best players in nineteen different categories.
  • LFG — Looking for a group. Connects a player’s stats to each message and displays the player’s DT Rating in order to help players find the best player faster.
  • Apex Legends Streaming Widget — A tool for streamers to display selected stats live.

Blockchain Development

Implementation and Integration of the DreamTeam Token to the platform remains one of the key priorities for our Blockchain and Payments team. Over the last few months, DreamTeam has taken the following steps towards the acceptance and support of the DREAM Token.

DreamTeam Tokenomics 2020

At the end of Q3, we began to work on our new Tokenomics model, which will provide our users and contributors with the best understanding of how our Token will be integrated into the platform. The release of the new document is planned for the beginning of Q4.

Delegated Transactions

In Q3, we developed a unique feature for the DREAM Token — delegated transactions, meaning that token holders don’t need to pay transfer fees in Ether anymore. This drastically simplifies the usage of the DREAM Token and leads to smoother adoption, as users don’t need to manage two currencies (DREAM and Ether) nor do they need to buy Ether from exchanges.

Delegated transaction support is a feature that makes the DREAM Token stand out, as there’s a special required functionality that has to be pre-programmed into the token smart contracts. Read more about this feature in our blog.


DreamTeam continues to participate in events around the world in order to meet with blockchain opinion leaders, talk about DreamTeam and the DREAM Token, and expand our database of useful contacts. In Q3 2019, our Blockchain Developer spoke at the BlockchainUA Conference where he talked about the new feature developed for the DreamTeam Token — Delegated Transactions. Our team representatives also took part in the conference for networking and meeting with industry experts. Also in September, DreamTeam took part in the national round of EASAwards and won in 2 categories “Best Blockchain Startup” and “Best Fintech Startup”. DreamTeam has moved on to the regional round to compete with countries from the Euroasian region.


In Q3, the Media team continued to support all of the DreamTeam product launches and updates, including the task bundles for Playground, added new maps to the Practice Games map pool, updated Apex profiles, created a widget for Apex streamers, added Apex challenges, and the launched Fortnite. Also, we prepared a content strategy for Q4 aimed to increase traffic and the number of registrations.

The Media team produced the following content for all DreamTeam owned media channels:

  • Created, posted, and promoted 48 unique articles for Apex, CS:GO, and Fortnite.
  • Created 11 new videos for DreamTeam’s CS:GO YouTube channel and 3 for the Apex YouTube channel.

DreamTeam’s owned media stats:

  • 2.6 million people reached
  • 900,000+ YouTube views

In terms of registrations, DreamTeam reduced content production starting in August, yet was still maintaining a 0.03% conversion rate due to changes in promotion and Fortnite’s launch.


DreamTeam continues to work on creating different kinds of content to keep our key audiences up-to-date on the DREAM Token as well as DreamTeam news and product updates. In Q3, we were mentioned in 15 articles including Gamedev.net, Altcoin Buzz, The Bitcoin News, Ain.Ua and others. Our CEO was also interviewed by CoinCentral and CardRates. We updated our contributors with the latest DreamTeam news and released three DreamTeam Digests and three DreamTeam Development Reports.

Customer Support

The Support team received a high customer satisfaction rate of 84% and was also able to maintain a solid average first-response time of 20 minutes. In Q3, we sent 683 customer surveys and received a response rate of 17%. Overall, we received 99 positive and 21 negative satisfaction ratings. With the Q3 Apex Prime release, the Support team started to provide 24/7 live chat support for Prime users.

The past three months have been amazing in terms of features added, positive feedback received, and user engagement. In case you missed the Q2 DreamTeam Contributors Report, you can read it here.

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam — infrastructure platform and payment gateway for esports and gaming.

Stay in touch: Token Website|Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn |BitcoinTalk.org

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team any time at token@dreamteam.gg. Or you can always get in touch with us via our official Telegram chat.



DreamTeam Token

Follow DreamTeam.gg to find a good squad, improve your skills and join the challenges in Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, League of Legends and CS:GO.