DreamTeam Development Update #10’2019

DreamTeam Token
Published in
9 min readOct 16, 2019

Dear Contributor,

By now you know the drill, we are continuing to work on a massive update that we cannot publicly discuss. With the progression of the new update, a larger and larger percentage of the work done at DreamTeam, is being done on that very update. As a result, it appears that month over month, we are reporting fewer and fewer updates. Do not worry. The DreamTeam crew is busier than ever. Until we can publicly talk about what we’re working on behind closed doors, here is what we can talk about. We are progressing nicely with Apex Legends and Fortnite. Let’s take a look at the launch of Fortnite and Apex Prime, new DreamTeam Challenges, a unified LFG, and much more in this edition of the DreamTeam Development report.

Game Features

In September, the Game Features team added DreamTeam’s fourth game, opened Apex Challenges to the entire world, and worked on several Apex updates that will improve retention and boost user acquisition.


September was a big month for DreamTeam and Fortnite fans as Fortnite was added to the DreamTeam family. Fortnite is a free-to-play Battle Royale game played by 250 million gamers around the world. Because of the success, Epic Games has had with Fortnite, DreamTeam will be able to reach tens of millions of young and dedicated gamers. Let’s take a look at what DreamTeam offers.

Profiles with Stats

Every Fortnite Player Profile displays stats, a breakdown of game modes played, a player’s latest achievements, and a list of similar players. Profiles also allow Players to connect various social media links. Players can connect their YouTube page in order to get more video views or their twitch channel in order to get more subscribers. By doing this, DreamTeam Fortnite becomes part of the larger Fortnite community.

Game Mode Stats

Get an understanding of which game modes you excel at based on your stats.

Latest Achievements

A player’s Challenge achievements are shown in the latest achievements section.

Similar Players

The Player Profiles display similar players. This is the easiest way to find players of the same skill. Players can add each other in Fortnite in order to play together.


The Fortnite Challenges are very similar to the Apex Challenges. Here is a recap of how the Challenges work and why DreamTeam Challenges excel over the competition. Each day, DreamTeam hosts two challenges. Each challenge has a specific goal to reach: get the most kills, have the highest win ratio, etc. Players can join one challenge per day for free and they have 24 hours to try to place in the top 3 places on the Challenge’s Leaderboard. The top 3 places receive a cool DT Challenge badge for their profile and a cash reward sent directly to their PayPal account.

So why is this feature better than anything else on the market? Right now, players can enter tournaments on other websites, Those tournaments often have a requirement for the number of entrants needed and specific start times and dates. Most of the time, the number of entrants needed isn’t reached and the tournament is canceled, leaving the players who want to participate with no tournament. One reason for players never signing up for a tournament is because of an inconvenient start day or time. These problems don’t exist with DreamTeam Challenges as our Challenges don’t have minimum entrant requirements and players can join at any moment as the challenge runs for 24 hours, allowing participants to compete when they have free time available.


DreamTeam Fortnite Leaderboards allow users to see the world’s best Players in ten different categories. The leaderboards can also be filtered to display the leaders in:

  • Different Game Modes
  • All platforms: PC, Console, Mobile
  • Weekly or all-time (coming soon)

Seeing the statistics of the world’s top Players can help motivate Players to play more and try to reach greater heights. If the Players on the leaderboards have created a DreamTeam Fortnite profile, other Players can chat directly with them. Hopefully, some of the best in the world are willing to share some tricks and tips.


DreamTeam Fortnite’s LFG, looking for a group, is much more than a place for the community to post messages about needing a teammate; any old forum can be used for that. What makes DreamTeam’s LFG better and more innovative? Well, aside from the normal info displayed in any old LFG, the DreamTeam Fortnite LFG connects a player’s stats to each message and displays the player’s DT Rating, a unique equation that shows a player’s overall skill. Why are stats and the DT Rating important? Without seeing stats, an LFG message is still just a random person. And the point of an LFG feature is to avoid playing with random people. Each message is a glimpse into the ability of the Player, making it much easier to find the right teammates. And, with the chat feature, Players can connect directly to the Player who posted the message, making finding Fortnite players easier and faster than ever.

Apex Legends

Apex Legends has gone through a long list of tweaks and updates. In fact, the current changes, from the launch of Apex Prime to Challenges being opened to the entire world, have resulted in a massive increase in some of our most important metrics. Here’s a look at some of the updates in more detail.

Prime Challenges

The daily Prime Challenge is restricted to Prime members. Prime Challenges offer higher prize pools with less competition. Prime members are still restricted to only joining one Challenge per day. Prime Gold members can join all three daily challenges every day as well as take part in the Prime Challenges.

Prime LFG

Prime LFG pins a member’s post at the top of the LFG feature for four hours. This will ensure that the LFG message is not overlooked and will help players find better players easier and faster.

Prime Gold members are not restricted to one post per day and are free to post as many messages as they want.

Prime Profiles

Both Prime and Prime Gold memberships open up the possibility to personalize the Player Profiles custom background images. Players will also have access to the Prime Performance section, a cool way to visualize a player’s skills.

In summary, Prime and Prime Gold members get:


Prime is a paid membership that grants you access to:

  • Prime Challenges — less competition with higher prizes
  • The ability to customize your profile design — stand out from the crowd
  • LFG message boosts — find better squads faster
  • More dynamic stats — cool graphs with customizable stats

Prime Gold

With Prime Gold, you get access to all of the same features that Prime offers, as well as:

  • No daily Challenge limits — join all daily challenges and triple the chance of winning
  • Unlimited LFG posts — persistence pays off
  • Live 24/7 support — hopefully, players never need this

Worldwide Challenges

Previously, DreamTeam Challenges were only open to residents of the United States. Because of the success of the Challenges and user demand, Challenges are now available to players across the world. Opening Challenges to the world has helped DreamTeam improve the retention rate and has made it a bit easier to acquire users. In September, the Games Features team also created the UX & UI design for the Apex Ranked Challenges and My Challenges log and finalized the illustrations for the new Apex Challenges Badges.

In October, the Game Features team will:

  • Launch Ranked Challenges
  • Integrate PayPal into Profiles for Challenge payment
  • Add ranked Challenges
  • Update and Improve Fortnite
  • Increase Apex Prime Conversion rates and Challenge engagement

Platform Features

In September, the Platform Features team completely reworked the LFG feature for Apex and Fortnite. So what’s new with the DreamTeam LFG? Find out below!

New Post Algorithm

Our LFG no longer displays posts based on when they were posted. Although doing that is helpful, it isn’t really what is most important to players who use our LFG feature. The DreamTeam LFG now displays posts based on who is currently online first. After all, that’s what really matters. Players use LFG to find someone to play with at that moment. Players no longer need to scroll through posts to find the players who are currently online or wait until an offline player replies to a message. Players can connect and start playing sooner.

Quick Skill Understanding

Each post displays the DreamTeam Rating. The DreamTeam Rating uses a complex algorithm to calculate a player’s overall skill based on stats and play experience. This will help players find the perfect player for their squad easier and faster.

Filter System

Players can now quickly filter LFG posts according to different players’ needs.


Players now have the ability to share whom they are looking for with players across Facebook groups and Twitter. They probably won’t need this as the LFG finds players pretty quickly. However, having the ability to share LFG posts will help increase player acquisition and retention.


As an added bonus, we’ve added avatars. Players choose their avatars for a reason. Each post now displays a little bit more about who the poster is.

In October, the Platform Features team will:

  • Release the new common navigation for all games on DreamTeam
  • Implement sign up/sign in via Discord
  • Implement DreamTeam notifications on Discord
  • Develop the new homepage
  • Start the development of the next platform game

Game Analytics

The Game Analytics team has begun the development of the DreamTeam Apex Overwolf project. We can’t go into detail what the means just yet, however, news about the project should be released by the end of the year. The Analytics team also completed the UX & UI design for the updated Game switcher, completed the illustrations for the CS:GO and LoL features removal page, and prepared for the CS:GO and LoL features to be temporarily turned off. We will go more into depth on the turning off of certain features in the next development report.

In October, the Game Analytics Team:

  • Finalize Apex Companion prototype
  • Turn off certain CS:GO and LoL features

Design Lab

In September, the Design Lab:

  • Helped create the UX & UI design of the Apex Ranked Challenges, Apex My Challenges log, and updated Game switcher
  • Created illustrations for the new Apex Challenges Badges, CS:GO & LoL feature removal page, and Fortnite launch main page
  • Conducted Premium Apex qualitative research (survey + interviews) and experimented with value proposition options
  • Created New target audience questionnaire (for external quantitative research)

Architecture and Infrastructure

In September the Architecture, Infrastructure, and Process Updates team:

  • Continued the development of the Overwolf application

In October, the Architecture and Infrastructure team will:

  • Finalize the Overwolf application

Blockchain and Payments

September was a busy month for the Blockchain and Payments team. The DreamTeam Tokenomics Paper has been completely rewritten to include the new DreamTeam Token and Platform landscape. Look for the release of the paper sometime in late October.

If you missed our previous reports, you can find them here.

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam — infrastructure platform and payment gateway for esports and gaming.

Stay in touch: Token Website|Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn|BitcoinTalk.org

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team any time at token@dreamteam.gg. Or you can always get in touch with us via our official Telegram chat.



DreamTeam Token

Follow DreamTeam.gg to find a good squad, improve your skills and join the challenges in Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, League of Legends and CS:GO.