DreamTeam Development Update #14

DreamTeam Token
Published in
8 min readApr 10, 2020

It has been some time since our last Development Report, a bit more than six weeks to be exact. As you know, a lot has changed since then. Before we get into the platform updates, DreamTeam would like to address the situation currently impacting not only on DreamTeam but the entire world, COVID-19. Our hearts go out to everyone who has suffered during these unprecedented times. Please, listen to your local authorities and follow their instructions wherever you are. Use this time to learn something new, start a new hobby, or, if all else fails, play some video games. Whatever you do, be safe, and we will get through this together, but apart. 😉

This issue of the DreamTeam Development Report covers both February and March. As the world struggles to cope with changing work and travel restrictions, DreamTeam continues to evolve its features, even if at a slower pace than usual.

Game Features

In February and March, the Game Features team vastly improved Apex Challenges by adding a tier system and developed and released optimized Apex stats. The team also started the DreamTeam Shop development. We won’t go into details on that just yet. Let’s take a look at the new Apex Challenge Tier System.

Apex Legends

Over the last two months, Apex Legends has been the focus of the Game Features team. The previous Challenge system had its share of problems to deal with: smurf accounts, great players not playing ranked, etc.

The new Apex Challenge Tier System fixes more than just those problems. Find out how below.

DT Rating

A player’s DT Rating is a more accurate representation of a player’s skill. The DT Rating is calculated by using a new weighted equation that takes many stats into account: kills per match, damage per match, and matches played. The DT Rating increases when players are on top of their game and decreases when, well, players aren’t.

DT Tiers

DreamTeam Challenges are now divided into 5 DT Rating based tiers:


There are many benefits to grouping players according to their DT Ratings.

  • No smurf accounts

Great players who don’t play rank will no longer compete in lower-ranked DT challenges. Great players now compete against other great players, no matter their Apex ranks.

  • More competitive

Players are tired of seeing the same players at the top with eighteen kills in a single game, while those below have five to seven kills. By using the DT Rating, there are no longer wide gaps between places. Just a few points will likely separate the top 10.

  • Easier to win

Amazing players get to compete against other amazing players, and the lesser-skilled players get to compete against other lesser-skilled players. As a result, DreamTeam will have a much larger cycling group of players who win.

  • Play ranked again

With the old system, players weren’t able to be competitive in challenges and play ranked at the same time. It was either one or the other. Ranked games are more challenging and pit players against other better players, which decreased the chance of doing well, lowering a player’s chance to win. Not any more! Rank up and win a prize at the same time.

  • Rank down?

All players have experienced the ups and downs of playing well. The new DT tier system is also great because players can enter the tier below. Meaning, if a player has a bad week, their DT Rating drops, allowing them to compete against a bit lower-skilled players. Once the player is back on top of their game, the player’s DT Rating will increase, allowing the player to play against more competitive players. This will help the player play better while playing poorly and get better while playing well.

Platform Features

In February and March, the Platform Features team developed and released the new Friend Leaderboards feature for Apex, CoD, and Fortnite as well as started the implementation of the new Group Challenges.

Friend Leaderboards

DreamTeam’s new Friends feature is quickly evolving to be much more than just a number on a player’s profile. The Friends feature brings both old and new friends together to follow each other’s progress, to enjoy a little friendly competition, and to help players build and become a part of their own gaming community. As the Friends Leaderboards use the Friends feature, we quickly summarize both for our readers who may have missed the Friends feature description in our previous report.

The Basics First

Friends are people players choose to follow. If a player clicks the “Add To Friends” button, that player is added to the player’s friends list, and the player is added to the other player’s follower list.

Players can then click the “+” button, and that player will be added to their friends' list. Now both players are friends and followers of each other.

The friends' list is a quick access panel to any gamer players care about, whether it be friends, famous streamers, crushes, or pros. Players will now be able to easily message each other, create custom leaderboards to compare stats and follow each other’s progression.

Friend Suggestions & Invites

The Friends feature automatically makes friend suggestions to easily add any friend players already have on Xbox Live, the PlayStation Network, or Steam. Think of DreamTeam as an extension to those networks, allowing players to experience more with the gamers they love playing with.

What if a player doesn’t have a DT account? No worries. Players can invite other players to join DreamTeam with just a click of a button!

Friend Leaderboards

DreamTeam’s Friends Leaderboards feature lets players compare their stats and compete to stay on top of their own customizable leaderboards. Setting up a custom leaderboard is easy.

The new feature is found on a game stats page, accessible from a player’s DreamTeam profile.

Players can create a custom leaderboard by scrolling down to the Friends Leaderboards section on the stats page, clicking the “Add Friends” button, and then clicking “Add” to add any friend.

Players can add and compare themselves to any player, even if that player isn’t registered on DreamTeam.

Access to Advanced Friend Stats

Prime members have additional leaderboard stats. Players can use some of the most important metrics to compare themselves to friends and the best players in the world.

Game Analytics

In February and March, the Game Analytics team worked on publishing the new Android and iOS app, continued supporting the Overwolf app, worked on promo code functionality, and a few other things.

DreamTeam Apps

The Android app is now available on the Google Play Market. The app makes checking stats, finding players, and communicating with friends much easier and faster. The iOS app is currently in development and should be expected to hit the market in a matter of weeks!

Overwolf Companion

DreamTeam continues to support the Overwolf Apex Companion app. The Game Analytics team updated the pick assistant, added support for the newest game patch, and has added support for the new map to the app.

Promo Codes

The Game Analytics team has developed and will soon release the promo code functionality. This will allow DreamTeam to easily offer discounts to Prime members who cancel their subscriptions, give a tool for influencers to share discounts to their followers, and much more.

Push Notifications

Mobile apps have a unique and powerful marketing tool. DreamTeam has been working on perfecting our push notification system, allowing for better user engagement and higher retention numbers.

Architect and Processes

In February and March, the Architect and Processes team has been working closely with the Game Analytics team to release both the Android and iOS apps. In addition, the Architect and Processes team has been working on updating the DT roadmap.

DreamTeam Token

As mentioned in our March update, our Token team continues to work on listing the DreamTeam Token on new exchanges. Due to COVID-19, the process is now slower. However, we are doing our best to work with the exchanges to get listed. Below you can check the current listing status of each exchanged we’ve reached out to so far:

Bittrex Global — Waiting for documents verification

Binance — Waiting for the reply from the team

Poloniex — Submitted form waiting for their reply

Huobi — Submitted form waiting for their reply

Okex — Submitted form waiting for their reply

Kraken — Received a reply from the team, with the request to submit additional information and documentation

Coinbase — Submitted form waiting for their reply

Bithumb Korea — Received a reply from the team, with the request to submit additional information and documentation

Bitfinex — Submitted form waiting for their reply

In the coming weeks, DreamTeam will release the Q1 Development Report. Until then, please, do whatever you can to make sure you, your family, and friends are as safe as possible in these trying times.

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam — infrastructure platform and payment gateway for esports and gaming.

Stay in touch: Token Website|Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn|BitcoinTalk.org

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team any time at token@dreamteam.gg. Or you can always get in touch with us via our official Telegram chat.



DreamTeam Token

Follow DreamTeam.gg to find a good squad, improve your skills and join the challenges in Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, League of Legends and CS:GO.