DreamTeam Development Update #4'2019

DreamTeam Token
Published in
13 min readApr 12, 2019

Dear Contributor,

The progress that DreamTeam has made in the last 30 days has been astounding. The only way to truly understand the scope of our accomplishments is to jump right in. In March, DreamTeam finished the development of and then released the DreamTeam Coaching Tool, the DreamTeam Journey, Practice Game Invites, the Notification Center, Private Group Chats and DreamTeam Chats, added Apex Legends, and much more.

Before we go over the development details and what can be expected in April, let’s take a closer look at the newest member of the DreamTeam family, Apex Legends.

New Game Added

Apex Legends is a free-to-play Battle Royale developed by Respawn Entertainment and published by Electronic Arts. The game received 1 million downloads within 8 hours of its release and had 50 million players within the first month. In the game, 20 squads, consisting of 3 players each, drop into the Apex map at various locations and compete to become the sole remaining squad. Due to the popularity of the game, the need for good teammates to excel in the game, and the engagement level of the Apex audience, DreamTeam jumped at the opportunity to add Apex as quickly as possible. We’re happy to announce that, in less than one week, our team was able to develop and launch Apex 1.0. The idea is to become the go-to place for everything Apex: stats, leaderboards, LFG, wikis, news, etc. We will then funnel the Apex 1.0 users to our highly liquid recruitment engine, which has already been validated by CS:GO and LoL.

Now that you have a basic understanding of Apex, let’s take an in-depth look at what Apex 1.0 currently consists of, other new DreamTeam features and updates, and our plans for April.


In terms of releasing new modules, March was one of our busiest months to date, which is an amazing feat considering our team also planned for, designed, developed, and released Apex 1.0. So what’s new on the platform?

The most obvious changes to the DreamTeam platform are the addition of the two new DreamTeam modules, the DreamTeam Coaching Tool 1.0, and the DreamTeam Journey 1.0.

The DreamTeam Coaching Tool

In March, the Module team released the CS:GO Coaching Tool with the updated Coaching Tool landing page. The Coaching Tool, as stated in the last report, was designed to help set goals, improve skills, track achievements, and organize Teams. A Team Owner can assign a Coaching role to one of the Players. The Coach can then select and assign pre-loaded “goal cards”. Each pre-loaded “goal card” contains certain goals with textual and/or video content on how to reach that specific goal. Once the goal has been reached, the Coach can rate the level of success the Player achieved while reaching that goal. With over 1,000 hours of unique educational content, the DreamTeam Coaching Tool is the perfect addition to DreamTeam. It will not only help Players and Teams set goals but give them the professional guidance needed in order to reach those goals. The combination of the Coaching Tool, Practice Games feature, and Analytics Tool is a must-have for any Player or Team trying to make it in the competitive world of esports.

Teams can set goals, use the educational content to learn how to reach those goals and try to reach those goals by playing Practice Games. Teams, then, have those Practice Games automatically analyzed by the DreamTeam Analytics Tool in order to access what needs to be done to reach those goals if they continue to go unmet. Once the goals have been met, the coach can set higher goals. This creates a continuous cycle of improvement. Feel free to read our detailed article on the Coaching Tool here.

The DreamTeam Journey

In the world of traditional sports, there is a basic blueprint for all athletes to follow from beginner to pro: starting from middle school, moving on to high school, and then to college and the pros. Along the way, there are systems put in place to assist each athlete with what to do in order to make it to the next level. This type of blueprint has never existed in esports, until now. The DreamTeam CS:GO Journey is an interactive map which consists of multiple stages and steps. Each stage has one to multiple steps, with each step being designed to assist DreamTeam users on their esports journey. Each time a user completes a step in the DreamTeam Journey, they receive a check mark and can move on to the next step. If users aren’t sure how to complete a step, all they have to do is click on that step and the DreamTeam Journey assists the users by taking them to the part of the DreamTeam platform where that step can be completed. Feel free to read our detailed article on the DreamTeam Journey here.

Along with the Coaching Tool and DreamTeam Journey, The Module team also completed the development of the Player Analytics Dashboard MVP. The Player Analytics Dashboard is an upcoming module that will pull, store, and organize Player statistics from the DreamTeam Analytics Tool. This will allow teams to keep track of their progression over time and get a better understanding of where they were, where they currently are, and what they need to continue to work on in order to advance their skills. We will keep you updated on these modules as they continue to develop.

In April, the Module team will

  • Finish the development of the Player Analytics Dashboard (PAD) Main page
  • Start the development of the Player Analytics Dashboard (PAD) Shooting page

Platform Features

Communication is an important part of success in almost every facet of life, video games being no exception. We understand that not only is it important to improve communication between Teams and Players but it’s also important to improve communication between DreamTeam and Teams and Players. In March, the Platform team released two new platform features: Private Group Chats and DreamTeam Chats as well as the DreamTeam Notification Center.

Private Group Chats allow users to create a chat, add their friends and fellow gamers, and discuss anything they want. DreamTeam Chats, on the other hand, is a game changer when it comes to opening the doors for platform users to find and communicate with each other. What makes the DreamTeam Chats so special? Well, the chat groups are currently broken down into three categories: CS:GO Practice: Region, CS:GO Staffing: Country, and CS:GO Staffing: Region. Every user who has a Team or Player Profile on the platform is automatically added to their country and region chat groups. Why is that important? Let’s imagine that a Team is looking for a Player. The Team can create a vacancy and shoot a message to their CS:GO Staffing: Ukraine chat group. Since everyone in that chat group is from Ukraine, the Team can be assured that there will be no language, time zone, or mentality barriers. That will quicken the process of finding the perfect Player for their team.

The Notification Center will also play an important role on the DreamTeam platform. It’s very important for Teams and Players to know what’s happening on the platform when it happens. The new Notification Center will keep users up-to-date on what’s going on, from Team Applications to reviews being left about their Team as well as important platform information. The best part is, when a user gets a notification in the Notification Center, all the user has to do is click on the notification and he or she will be taken to the corresponding part of the platform. For example, If a Team receives a notification that a Player has Applied to join their Team, the Team Owner can click on the notification and be taken directly to the Application section of their Team Dashboard where they can accept or decline the Application. The Notification Center now puts all activity within a single click.

In addition to the Chat groups and Notification Center, the Platform Team also started the development of the new DreamTeam.gg menu navigation and our mobile app for Apex. As more and more features are added, DreamTeam needs more and more room to display the platform features. The new navigation menu will organize the platform and give DreamTeam the required space to display everything that DreamTeam offers. The Apex App will be available on both the App Store and Google Play Store, more on that in a bit.

In April, the Platform Team will

  • Start the development of Apex DreamTeam 1.0 (Teambuilding Profiles)
  • Release the new navigation menu
  • Start the development of the backend solutions for FACEIT and Discord

Game Features

DreamTeam is constantly improving the current game features by continuing to conduct player interviews, work with professional gamers, and listen to community feedback. The Games team has simplified Practice Games, added Apex Legends stats and leaderboards, and integrated the Analytics feature into Practice Games.

The single biggest piece of news from March is the addition of Apex Legends. In less than seven days, the decision to add Apex was made, the concept was planned, the layout designed, and the Apex page was developed and released. So, how much could have been possibly done in such a short period of time? Apparently, a lot. The new Apex feature currently contains four sections.

  • Apex Legends Stats: users can search for themselves or any player across 3 different platforms: PC, Xbox, and PS4.
  • Apex Legends Leaderboards: users can see where they rank among the best in the world in the following categories: total or per match kills, headshots, damage done, overall highest level, and total matches played.
  • Wikis: users can browse unique content, including but not limited to Legend guides, map guides, weapon and attachment guides, tips and tricks.
  • News: users can stay up-to-date on the latest Apex Legends news, patch notes, rumors, and more.

The mobile version of the Apex Legends feature is currently in development. In April, DreamTeam will publish the mobile app on both the App Store and Google Play Store and release Apex Legends 2.0, which will include:

  • Player Profiles: this will allow users to see dynamic stats over a selected period of time.
  • LFG (looking for group): users will be able to post and reply to other players in order to complete their squads.
  • Chat: this will allow users to chat with each other about anything and everything Apex.

With Apex Legends being such a new and popular game, there really isn’t much available, at the current moment, to the gamers who play it. DreamTeam’s goal is to try to capture the market early on with the temporary LFG solution, while the Team and Player Profile features are being developed. DreamTeam will then funnel those users to the standard DreamTeam teambuilding platform. Adding Apex Legends was a necessary step in order to fill a gap in the market. By being the first on the market and offering amazing features, DreamTeam will have no problem in capturing the Apex teambuilding and stats market. This will help add millions of users and boost DreamTeam as an overall brand.

Also in March, the Games team continued to track the performance of CS:GO Game Analytics, and so far, more than 10,000 matches have already been uploaded. The number of matches analyzed by the Analytics Tool will continue to rise as the Games team has successfully integrated the Analytics Tool into the Practice Games feature. As mentioned earlier, this feature automatically analyzes any CS:GO Practice Game played on DreamTeam servers. This allows Teams to finish a Practice Game and then immediately see the detailed analysis of what happened, see an overview of their opponents strategy, and understand what they need to improve on.

Along with Analytics being integrated into the Practice Games feature, the Games team has also significantly improved the Practice Games feature itself. Any CS:GO Team can now invite another Team to a Practice Game directly from that Team’s Profile. Practice Game Invites can be used to skip the Practice Game application process and invite any specific Team to a Practice Game. This saves time, as the Team no longer needs to find the Practice Game a Team created nor does the creating Team need to hope that the Team they want to Practice with applies to their game. The changes to the Practice Games feature will boost the adoption and frequency of its usage.

And finally, in March, the Games team prepared architecture solutions for the integration of Discord and FACEIT’s automatic replay downloader.

April will bring another round of Practice Game updates:

  • Knife rounds will be added for determining sides.
  • Chat commands and overtime will also be added.
  • The “Right Now” Practice Games flow will be simplified allowing users to create or join a Practice Game in just three clicks.
  • Release the Match Replay Viewer: a really cool feature that is sure to increase both platform registrations and retention, more on that in a bit.
  • Set up Practice Game information auto posts into the DreamTeam Public Chats.
  • Start the implementation of the CS:GO training servers: allows Teams to practice without needing another Team.

Blockchain and Payments

The Blockchain and Payments team has started to implement one of the first steps described in the DreamTeam Tokenomics paper: the automatic conversion of fiat currency to DREAM tokens for those users who have chosen to pay with fiat currency instead of DREAM tokens. If you haven’t read the Tokenomics paper or would like a refresher, feel free to read it here. By accepting fiat currency and purchasing the needed DREAM tokens from an exchange, currently traded on liquid.com, not only is the DreamTeam platform more convenient to use but it creates a natural demand for the token on exchanges. The purchased tokens are then deposited into the user’s accounts and are used to pay for the end service. This transaction appears to happen immediately and the user has access to the service or feature right away.

In the meantime, the Blockchain and Payments team has designed a delegated transaction back-end service for the DREAM token. Once live, it will allow users to transfer their tokens securely without needing to pay fees in Ether. Instead, transactions fees are paid in DREAM tokens. This drastically simplifies the user experience when adopting crypto usage. This is a feature unique to the DREAM token and eliminates the need for users to also buy Ether from an exchange in order to manage their decentralized wallets.

Game Analytics

In March, The Game Analytics team finished the development of Game Analytics 2.0 and has started Game Analytics 2.1, including the Replay Viewer, a Premium feature inside the freemium DreamTeam Analytics Tool. Although it is a Premium feature, freemium users will still be able to use the Replay Viewer five times.

The Replay Viewer is a 2d bird’s-eye view of each match played and can be paused, rewound, or fast-forwarded to rewatch any or every part of a match. It gives a detailed account of every action that happened during each round, giving Teams an edge when it comes to understanding the game analytics and opponents’ strategies.

In April, the Game Analytics team will:

  • Release Game Analytics 2.0
  • Finish the development of Game Analytics 2.1
  • Prepare the Team Analytics Dashboard scope
  • Start the development of the Player Analytics Dashboard (PAD) Grenades

Data Analytics

In March, the Data Analytics team:

  • Developed new in-depth reports for Coaching in Google Data Studio
  • Implemented PoC of direct streaming events from the platform to Google BigQuery in order to have more data/logs than to extract from the prod databases
  • Created a new dataset and report for full Roster history and analysis
  • Improved the functionality of Chat 2.0 tracking
  • Added new functionality of Practice Games tracking
  • Covered the new Journey feature with web-events tracking

In April, the Data Analytics team will:

  • Add Apex metrics to PowerBI Dashboards
  • Enhance Apex reports with new features tracking
  • Create the Journey report
  • Add Coaching data to PowerBI Dashboards
  • Hire a new Web Analyst


With the updates and introductions of new features, The Marketing-Development team continues to create new Practice Game and Coaching platform notifications and emails. In regard to the emails, we now have CRON functionality to set rules for sending deferred timed emails. Our SEO updates now include multi-language functionality for SEO texts, microformats for the site, and a section of SEO articles on DreamTeam.gg. That will ensure that we remain at the top in Google’s search algorithms. The platform analytics has also undergone updates. That will allow us to collect data in analytical systems when developing new functions on the site.

In April, the Marketing-Development team will:

  • Create platform notifications for Premium subscribers and Game Analytics
  • Create transactional emails for Apex Legends
  • Update the Token site with the multi-language Tokenomics paper

If you missed our previous reports, you can find them here.

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam — infrastructure platform and payment gateway for esports and gaming.

Stay in touch: Token Website|Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn |BitcoinTalk.org

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team any time at token@dreamteam.gg. Or you can always get in touch with us via our official Telegram chat.



DreamTeam Token

Follow DreamTeam.gg to find a good squad, improve your skills and join the challenges in Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, League of Legends and CS:GO.