DreamTeam Development Update #5'2019

DreamTeam Token
Published in
10 min readMay 17, 2019

Dear Contributor,

DreamTeam is the go-to place for CS:GO Players to improve their skills, find other Players, and build Teams. Likewise, DreamTeam Apex is quickly becoming the place for Apex Players to track their stats and stat progress, find an Apex squad, see the best-players-in-the-world leaderboards, as well as get their hands on the most helpful tips and tricks and latest news.

Becoming and staying “the place” is not an easy feat. In fact, getting to the top and staying there takes new features, updated features, and a bit of innovation. Come with us as we go into detail on how DreamTeam has all three.

Game Features

As there has been a long list of updates to both Apex Legends and CS:GO, we’ll take a look at each game separately.

Apex Legends

In April, we released several Apex Legend features: the Mobile app, profiles with dynamic stats, Apex leaderboards 2.0, and our LFG feature with chat capabilities.

Mobile App

Moving quickly to capitalize on the growing Apex Legends audience, we’ve created a robust mobile experience that is now available on the Google Play Store — download it here. The app includes everything that can be found on Dreamteam.gg/apex: daily stat dynamics, profiles which show stat progress, chat capabilities, leaderboards, and a looking for a group (LFG) feature all in a mobile-optimized UI. As with most features, A/B testing is necessary to determine which app icon, screencaps, and copy works best to increase conversions. We should soon have the Apex app perfected and will shortly become the top Apex Legends app on the Google Play Store.

Our next release will be focusing on testing a core loop mechanic that is meant to drive daily/weekly/monthly retention and engagement. This mechanic will be a PoC that, once optimized, can ideally be ported to other new esports titles quickly and efficiently. This will allow us to further our aggressive growth goals. The design for this mechanic, which is currently leaderboard and tournament based, is in development and will likely move into production toward the end of May.

Profiles with Dynamic Stats

The DreamTeam Apex dynamic stats system allows Players to see stat progression over any selected period of time. In order for a Player to see his or her dynamic stats, the Player must create a profile on the DreamTeam Apex page. As Players can see their stats in the game itself, showing Players their stat progression over a selected period of time is a very important component when it comes to maintaining a high user-retention rate. Profiles also allow Players to connect various social media links. Players can connect their YouTube page in order to get more video views or connect a discord channel in order for other Apex Players to connect to their group. By doing this, DreamTeam Apex becomes part of the larger Apex Legends community.

Apex Leaderboards 2.0

DreamTeam Apex Leaderboards allow Players to see the world’s best Players in nine different categories. The leaderboards can also be filtered to display the leaders of:

  • All Legends
  • An individual Legend
  • All platforms: PC, PS4, and Xbo
  • A single platform
  • Weekly or all-time (coming soon)

Seeing the statistics of the world’s top Players can help motivate Players to play more and try to reach greater heights. If the Players on the leaderboards have created a DreamTeam Apex profile, other Players can chat directly with them. Hopefully, some of the best in the world are willing to share some tricks and tips.

LFG with Chat

DreamTeam Apex’s LFG, looking for a group, is much more than a place for the community to post messages about needing a teammate; any old forum can be used for that. What makes DreamTeam better and more innovative? Well, DreamTeam Apex LFG connects a player’s stats to each message, displays the player’s legend-of-choice and mic information, and gives players the ability to filter messages by any Legend and platform. Each message is a glimpse into the ability of the Player, making it much easier to find the right teammates. And, with the chat feature, Players can connect directly to the Player who posted the message, making building an Apex squad easier and faster than ever.

May will bring another round of Apex Legends updates:

  • Release of the Legends Section with general Legends dynamic stats
  • Improved Player Profiles
  • Release of the Twitch Widget
  • Begin development of the Weekly Top Player


In April, we released several innovative features: the Match Replay Viewer, a simplified Practice Games flow, additional game options, and Practice Game chats.

Match Replay Viewer

The Match Replay Viewer allows Players and Teams to see an exact replay of their games. They can track their strategy, movements, and analyze their game and the games of their competitors all through a strategic visualization. What was previously only available to pros is now available to the mass market on DreamTeam.gg. This will greatly increase our CS:GO Player acquisition and retention. And, it will open doors for the millions of gamers who need access to pro tools in order to achieve their dreams.

Improved Flow

Playing a DreamTeam Practice Game is now the easiest it’s ever been. Practice Games now have a “quick start option”. What does that mean? It means that all “Play Now” games, which start in the next 15 minutes, completely skip the Team Application process. The first Team to “Apply” is automatically selected to play in that game. Players can now create or join a Practice Game in just 2 clicks. One of the difficulties of the “scheduled Practice Games” is ensuring that the host Team is online when their scheduled Practice Game takes place. The likelihood of a Team being online in the few minutes after creating a “Play Now” game is exponentially higher. So, the “quick start option” not only makes it easier for Teams to apply to a game, but it also helps ensure that those created games are actually played.

Additional Game Options

Working with professional CS:GO Players has helped DreamTeam continue to provide what Players really want and need. The Practice Games feature has been updated to include some additional game options: the addition of knife rounds, overtime possibilities, and chat commands.

  • Knife Rounds: some Players and Teams have a preference for starting a CS:GO game on a particular side. Whether it be strategic or merely superstitious, there’s only one fair way to allow Teams to choose sides, fight for it. That’s where the new knife rounds come into play. The Team that wins the knife round gets to choose its starting side.
  • Overtime rules: from time to time, two Teams are so evenly matched that a winner can’t be chosen within the standard 30 rounds (16 rounds — for 2v2). If the score of a game is tied after 30 rounds, overtime will be played. Ending an epic game prematurely might cause frustration and prevent Teams from using our Practice Games feature, and we simply can’t have that.
  • Chat commands: in CS:GO, managing the server is an important part of the game. DreamTeam now makes it even easier to do just that. Players can simply type in a couple of commands, for example, !pause, !swap, and control settings right from within the game.

Practice Game Chats

Not only is joining Practice Games easier but Finding a Practice Game is also even easier. In a way, we can say that Practice Games now find you. When a Practice Game is created, it automatically gets published in the “Practice Game Region” public chat and Players receive a notification in the Notification Center. That means that Players will receive a direct link to any Practice Game that fits their profile preferences.

In May, the Game Features team will:

  • Release the Training Center (Servers) and the first version of the Player Analytics Dashboard
  • Add the ability for Players to create and play 1v1 Practice Games
  • Add the ability for Players without a Team to use the Practice Games’ functionality

Platform Features

Due to the heavy load over the past month, the Platform Features team has had to assist the Game Features team with the development of many of the new features and updates. In addition to the information mentioned in the Game Features sections, the Platform Features team has also:

  • Finished the FACEIT backend integration architecture and proof of concept
  • Finished the Discord backend integration architecture and proof of concept
  • Developed a backed solution for the token “auto-buy” from crypto exchanges

In May, the Platform Features team will:

  • Release the updated navigation Top menu and QBar
  • Start the Development of four custom experiments for Premium flow
  • Integrate and release User onboarding using the AppCues tool

Blockchain and Payments

By the end of April, the automatic underlying conversion of fiat currency to DREAM tokens was ready. However, it’s taking a bit longer to make this feature available to all users, primarily because of the integration tests against the exchanges we are working with.

Additionally, we’ve started to work on compensation smart contracts. In terms of a proof of concept project, we’ve built and launched Trickle, a decentralized application for the open-source community, which was one of the winners at the EthCapeTown hackathon. DreamTeam’s main idea of compensation smart contracts is to allow gamers to receive their income securely over the internet. In order to perfect it, we’ve decided to try it out first within the existing crypto community. Our next step will be integrating the compensation smart contracts within the DreamTeam platform. Ultimately, the compensation smart contracts will be launched on the DreamTeam platform for our tokenized currency asset — the DREAM token, which will allow our Teams and Players to create time-based agreements with each other.

Game Analytics

In April, the Game Analytics team assisted with the work of the Replay Viewer as well as completed the following Replay Viewer updates: Vertigo has been added to the DreamTeam Replay Viewer and Players now have the ability to speed up or slow down speeds with 3x and 0.5x speeds options.

In May, the Game Analytics team will:

  • Launch A/B tests for the new Main Page
  • Prepare the concept for the “Core Loop”
  • Start the PAD 2.0 Grenades development


As mentioned in the last report, the Module team completed the development of the Player Analytics Dashboard MVP. The Player Analytics Dashboard is an upcoming module that will pull, store, and organize Player statistics from the DreamTeam Analytics Tool. That will allow teams to keep track of their progression over time and get a better understanding of where they were, where they currently are, and what they need to continue to work on in order to advance their skills. As the module won’t be released until May, we cannot provide many details on the Player Analytics Dashboard. However, DreamTeam will announce the release on the DreamTeam blog and provide additional details in the next development update. The Module team has also:

  • Finished POCs for metrics, trends, and deltas
  • Finished Player Analytics Dashboard (PAD) Main page development
  • Finished PAD Shooting page skill tree development (more on these things in the next report)

In May, the Modules team will:

  • Launch the PAD Main & Shooting pages
  • Start the development of the self-coaching simplified module (aka task bundles)

Data Analytics

In April, the Data Analytics team:

  • Added Apex web metrics to PowerBI dashboards
  • Covered Apex registration with tracking and added it to the Power BI report
  • Added the DreamTeam Journey Report to the Main Dashboard
  • Added Coaching data to PowerBI dashboards
  • Added Apex Profile tracking to email automation (Active Campaign)
  • Automated tests for ETL
  • Finished in-depth analysis of feature performance for Retention & Conversion improvements in May
  • Analyzed the influence of the DreamTeam Journey feature on platform usage (avg. 3x boost in features usage)

In May, the Data Analytics team will:

  • Support A/B test analysis for retention and conversion experiments
  • Create initial APEX mobile reports
  • Create DreamTeam’s first machine learning infrastructure with a predictive churn model — allowing us to predict users who are at risk of churning and send them targeted, retention-focused messaging


As DreamTeam adds new features and updates existing features, the marketing department continues to add new platform notifications for Coaching, Game Analytics and Team Management; Transactional Emails for Apex, and token site updates. The token site now contains the Tokenomics paper in 10 languages.

If you missed our previous reports, you can find them here.

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam — infrastructure platform and payment gateway for esports and gaming.

Stay in touch: Token Website|Facebook | Twitter | LinkedIn |BitcoinTalk.org

If you have any questions, feel free to contact our support team any time at token@dreamteam.gg. Or you can always get in touch with us via our official Telegram chat.



DreamTeam Token

Follow DreamTeam.gg to find a good squad, improve your skills and join the challenges in Apex Legends, Call of Duty, Fortnite, League of Legends and CS:GO.