b1ade’s Brain: Economy Changes

DreamTeam Media
Published in
4 min readOct 30, 2018

Gambit’s coach, b1ad3 gave us his in-depth analysis on the new economy in CS:GO and about many of the intricacies teams deal with when strategizing. He talked about the different scenarios that teams face and how the new economy might impact them.

b1ad3: It depends on scenarios. But it will definitely give more space for maneuvering and additional opportunities for teams. Now, they will have more solutions. In general, the new economy change will benefit Ts more than CTs since they can always get an additional $800 for planting the bomb and their rifles are cheaper.

There is a benefit for CTs too. Before the update CTs always had to decide to FORCE or not to FORCE in the 2nd round, because if you FORCE (and lose?) you don’t get a full buy in the 4th round. Now you can force in the 2nd round, keep $200 in your pocket, ECO in the 3rd round and you will have at least $5500 in the 4th round (full armor,m4,smoke,molly,hegrenade,fl).

Back to scenarios:

Let’s take the most common scenario when the losing side do not force-buy and instead full buy in the 3rd round, it leads to 0:2 score.

If everyone follows this strat and it’s almost always effective, then a new tendency for the winning side to buy shotguns and farm non-armored players to prevent their money situation from being fucked in the case that they lose the 3rd round.

Another scenario is when the losing side force-buys. You can force-buy to break your opponent and even if you lose the 2nd round you can do an eco in the 3rd and you will still get a full buy in the 4th round.

So in the 1st scenario, you are giving away the 2nd round for free and also giving your opponent a chance to build up money for two rounds in a row (unless you are a T and have bonus money) and the success of this scenario fully depends on how many people survive in your team if you WIN the 3rd round.

That’s why I prefer the 2nd scenario with a force-buy, because you are struggling and keeping your opponent under pressure from the beginning of the match. You set the tempo for the whole map. Plus you have enough money to get a really well-prepared force-buy and in the case that you fail you still have a full buy in the 4th round.

Losing streak scenario: You will now reach $3400 in the 5th round, not in the 6th like before, and for the CT-Side in this scenario the 5th round is usually an eco to get a full buy in the 6th round with the score 0–5. SO having an additional $500 now ($500 translates into a smoke+flash for each player) after losing the 6th round will allow you to buy in the 7th (0–6), which means more chances to change the situation and start the comeback after 0–6, and not giving the opponent a 7–0 lead.

And obviously the losing streak scenario will benefit the T-Side even more, because of the bomb plant bonus money and the comparatively cheaper AK-47 or even a Galil.

Now about gamble scenarios: For example there is an old strategy from CS 1.6 for T-Sides when you save your money in the pistol round and at the same time try to plant the bomb to get more money for the 2nd round. So with this update you will get $3500 if you use this strategy, plus the one who planted the bomb will get $300 more, so $3800, add some kills and some of your teammates will also get $3800.

The question is why should you use it if you are really confident in yourself, if you have a really high win rate of your pistol round. It is quite rash to start the map with such an approach because it’s a weak mindset. But if you know that you have issues in pistol rounds or you are a tier 4 team that is playing vs a tier 1 team, then you can take a risk and use this strategy: lose the pistol, win the 2nd round and reset the opponent’s economy.

A little gamble for CTs. If there is a disadvantage for CTs in a pistol round, for example on de_inferno, and you rarely win it, you can try to gamble: Save your money in the pistol round, don’t buy anything, use long distance positions, or just stack, then even if you lose the pistols you will have $2700. Now you can buy in the 2nd round with SMGs and ‘nades or take a full eco in the 2nd round and in the 3rd round you will have $5100 instead of $4450, so you have more nades to counter Ts.

If you got sidetracked by b1ad3’s awesome analysis and want to head back to the main article, click here.

Good Luck and Have Fun!

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