Call of Duty Modern Warfare: Killstreaks
DreamTeam Media
Published in
5 min readDec 18, 2019

Killstreaks are earned by getting multiple kills without dying in a game, and upon death, progress towards earning Killstreaks is reset. This rewards skilled players with the opportunity to turn the tide of a battle if used wisely.

While some Killstreaks are easier to earn than others, the rewards that require a bit more effort to earn are the most devastating weapons the game has to offer.

Here is a full list of the killstreaks in Modern Warfare 2019:

- Personal Radar (3 kills) — Escort drone that enables the radar for the owner and pings nearby enemies.

- Shield Turret (3 kills) — A manual shielded turret that can be deployed on most surfaces

- Counter UAV (4 kills) — A drone that constantly emits a scrambling signal, disabling enemy mini-maps and incrementally disrupting their senses the closer they get to it.

- UAV (4 kills) — UAV recon ship that enables the mini-map for all allies and reveals enemy locations.

- Care Package (4 kills) — Call in a random killstreak care package to your location.

- Cluster Strike (5 kills) — Signal for a number of cluster mortars to hit the chosen target.

- Cruise Missile (5 kills) — Control a long-range cruise missile with boost capabilities.

- Precision Airstrike (5 kills) — Call in twin jets for a precision strike along the best available path.

- Wheelson (7 kills) — Remote controlled UGV with a powerful airburst turret.

- Infantry Assault Vehicle (7 kills) — A manned light infantry vehicle with a .50 cal machine gun on the top.

- Sentry Gun (7 kills) — Automated turret that scans for nearby enemies

- Emergency Airdrop (8 kills) — Call in 3 random killstreak care packages to your location.

- VTOL Jet (8 kills) — Releases an initial missile barrage before guarding the location of the player’s choice.

- Chopper Gunner (10 kills) — Control an assault chopper armed with a turret and air to land missiles.

- White Phosphorus (10 kills) — Cover the battlefield with white smoke incendiary canisters that will weaken the enemy and burns anyone that wanders too close.

- Support Helo (11 kills) — Call in heavy assault help with twin turrets to patrol the map.

- Gunship (12 kills) — A heavy assault gunship with three types of armaments.

- Advanced UAV (12 kills) — Orbital UAV that reveals the enemy’s direction on the mini-map.

- Juggernaut (15 kills) — Call in a care package that contains the Juggernaut assault gear. The minigun will drop when the Juggernaut dies.

- Nuke (30 kills) — Call in a game-ending nuke. (does not need to be equipped).

Let’s dive into the killstreak rewards in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare.

3 kills

Personal Radar

An escort drone that follows the user and reveals enemies around them in real-time for the user themselves to ping their location on their teammates’ mini-map. One of the easiest Killstreaks to earn. Upon activation, the top left corner of the HUD will have a mini-map where friendly players will appear as triangles and enemies as red dots. While it’s a great Killstreak for reconnaissance, be advised that it’s a fragile drone that hovers over its user, so it may alert enemies to its owner’s position.

Shield Turret

The Shield Turret is a deployable .50 cal machine gun capable of inflicting a high of damage that must be deployed on flat, horizontal, and unobstructed surfaces before it can be used. The Shield Turret lasts for a limited time or until it runs out of ammunition. It can also be destroyed.

The Shield Turret can be repositioned by holding the use button when near it, and is shown on all players’ radar, blue for friendly and red for enemy.

4 kills

Counter UAV

Jam the enemy’s technology with this drone that constantly emits a scrambling signal. After placing it over a specific area of the map, any enemy within its range will have their mini-maps disabled and, as they draw closer to the center of the affected area, have parts of their HUD incrementally disrupted. As the name suggests, this Killstreak is a great counter to any UAV-like drones that provide visual intel.


While the Personal Radar gives reconnaissance only to you, the slightly harder to earn UAV gives your entire team access to their mini-maps and periodically reveals enemy locations. A Killstreak that immediately goes into effect upon activation, this recon ship flies around and scans the environment in short sweeps, picking up the locations of all enemies outside of those using the Ghost perk.

Care Package

Upon activation of this Killstreak, you will be able to throw a Care Package Marker on the ground, which will serve as the drop point for an airship overhead to send down a Care Package. Once it lands, you’ll be able to interact with it to receive what’s inside, or if you are feeling generous, you can allow a teammate to raid it instead. The Care Package has weighted odds towards less valuable Killstreaks — i.e., the Personal Radar and UAV — but it’s totally possible to find an Advanced UAV, Gunship, or even a Juggernaut suit in a package.

A few words of warning with the Care Package: it can crush you or an enemy, the Care Package could land out of reach if the Marker is thrown out of bounds or under a building, and enemies can steal your package if you are not careful.

5 kills

Cluster Strike

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