Call of Duty Prime on DreamTeam
DreamTeam Media
Published in
4 min readJan 31, 2020

DreamTeam Prime and Prime Gold help Call of Duty: Modern Warfare players get noticed in the CoD community, improve their skills, and, basically, get more out of the game. How? Continue reading to find out.

Prime Challenges

DreamTeam Challenges allow CoD players to compete with the CoD community in challenges to showcase their skills and win cash.

Each day, there are two free daily Challenges and one Prime Challenge. Prime Challenges are restricted to Prime members and offer higher prize pools. Prime members are still restricted to only joining one Challenge per day. So, if you’re a player who hates restrictions, Prime Gold is the membership for you!

Prime Gold members can join all challenges every day. Simply become a Prime Gold member, join all of the challenges, and triple your chance at winning some cash.


Prime LFG

The DreamTeam CoD LFG can be your ticket to winning more. That’s right; it’s your tool for finding better players faster. All you have to do is post a message about the players you are looking for, and the CoD community takes care of the rest. We should probably mention that the DreamTeam LFG feature is much more than just a message like most forums. Each post displays a message, mic info, game mode, server region, etc. And if that’s not enough, click on the player’s name to access their stats. Because without access to stats, it’s still just a random. So how can Prime help you?

Prime LFG pins your post at the top of the LFG feature for four hours. This will ensure that your message is not overlooked and will help you find better players faster.

The LFG feature is restricted to one post per day unless you are a Prime Gold. Prime Gold members are free to post as many messages as they want. Lifehack: Post a message every four hours, and your post will remain at the top of the LFG section until you find the right players.


Prime Profiles

Not only do DreamTeam profiles connect and display stats, but profiles also represent who you are as a CoD player. You have the option to add information about yourself and connect various types of social networks. Need more followers on Twitch or subscribers on YouTube? Done. Want to share your discord. Also done. I guess you get the point.

What about Prime or Prime Gold? Both memberships open up the possibility to personalize your profile with custom background images. You will also have access to the Prime Performance section. Did we mention your name will be displayed in Gold? Yep, on leaderboards, in challenges, and LFG posts. Fancy.

In summary, what you get with Prime and Prime Gold is:


Prime is a paid membership that grants you access to:

- Prime Challenges — higher prizes

- The ability to customize your profile design — stand out from the crowd

- LFG message boosts — find better squads faster

- More dynamic stats — cool graphs with customizable stats


Prime Gold

With Prime Gold, you get access to all of the same features that Prime offers, as well as:

- No daily Challenge limits — join all daily challenges and triple your chance of winning

- Unlimited LFG posts — persistence pays off

- Live 24/7 support — hopefully; you’ll never need this


Everyone loves a good BR game. And Call of Duty: Modern Warfare is arguably the best out there. So, achieve more in your game with CoD Prime or Prime Gold memberships!

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam is the ultimate teambuilding and skill-growing platform that solves problems for hundreds of millions of gamers who want to find teammates, improve skills, manage teams, and earn money.

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