Climbing Trends: Learning Curve
DreamTeam Media
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2019

League of Legends has always been easy to learn and hard to master. Some champions show insane win rate spikes once players are 50 ranked games in with them. Let’s see exactly how it happens with some of the champions.

Tahm Kench

The River King wins 44% of Platinum+ games on average, but dedicated mains make him work 59.4% of the time. This is the second biggest delta, which is impressive given that the champion is less than four years old.

What separates good Tahm Kenches from great Tahm Kenches is the use of W and R. You have to save squishies with Devour in an extremely well-timed manner and set up successful flanks with Abyssal Voyages. Otherwise, the champion’s just not worth picking.

Items: Remnant of the Aspect->Knight’s Vow/Locket of the Iron Solari->Locket of the Iron Solari/Knight’s Vow

Abilities: Q>W>E

Runes: Guardian->Demolish>Bone Plating->Overgrowth; Magical Footwear->Approach Velocity


Your average Taric comes out victorious 50.9% of the time; your seasoned Taric is sitting at 63.9%. This is the second highest veteran win rate, and you can really boost your rank if you win this often.

While it’s important to aim your stuns and time the invincibility from the ult, enemy composition means just as much. Taric is much more efficient against AD champions, and I advise thinking twice before picking him into two or even three AP threats.

Items: Remnant of the Aspect->Zeke’s Convergence->Locket of the Iron Solari/Knight’s Vow

Abilities: E>Q>W

Runes: Guardian->Font of Life>Bone Plating->Revitalize; Biscuit Delivery->Cosmic Insight

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