Call of Duty DT Rating Explained
DreamTeam Media
Published in
3 min readJan 28, 2020

Your DreamTeam Rating for CoD: Modern Warfare is a unique feature that aims to objectively calculate a player’s skill level compared to all other users on a given platform (PC, console, or mobile). With that goal in mind, we’ve taken the most important aspects in the game and added them to a weighted formula to figure out each player’s rating. See your DT rating now by registering or logging onto or continue reading to see what is taken into consideration while calculating your DT rating.

Your fighting skills are one of the important elements of the formula. A player’s KDA is included in the rating calculation. Even if your team doesn’t always win, your ability to get a high number of kills and assists while limiting your deaths is one of the most important factors in determining your skill.

Their “KDA” ratio shouldn’t solely determine a player’s skill. You might be a more tactical player who tends to get fewer kills. These types of players can often perform specific actions that can help a team outside of just getting a kill. For this reason, the DreamTeam Rating factors in a player’s “score per minute.”

And lastly, we factored in experience. This variable becomes less important the more you play, but “matches played” does provide some indication of your understanding of the game and its mechanics and, therefore, can’t be overlooked. Experience is heavily front-loaded, meaning that vast improvements are made from the moment you install the game up to a certain level. After attaining a mid-to-high level, improvement still occurs but at a slower pace. So experience means less in the formula the higher you go.

To give something a rating, there has to be a benchmark. Meaning, we have to be able to compare the thing we are rating to something. To do this, DreamTeam compares a player’s data against the average “KDA” and “score per minute”.

The DreamTeam Rating is on a scale of one to ten, with a DreamTeam Rating of five being an average player. Our rating will compare you to only others that play on the medium that you use. That means that if you play on mobile, your rating won’t be affected by PC players who may be able to get more kills with a mouse and keyboard.

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