DreamTeam of the Week #1

DreamTeam Media
Published in
4 min readDec 14, 2018

Patch 8.24 didn’t shake up the meta that much, yet we are having a lot of bizarre options shine in every lane. Here is a solid lineup with the top-3 champions from every position that you can have fun with for another week.

The numbers represent 8.24 Platinum+ stats from Korean server as of December 13, 21:00 CET

Top: Cassiopeia/Kled

Cassiopeia is the queen of Top, as she wins 54.6% of Platinum+ games. She is all about zoning people out, so her ranged poke with a cone-shaped stun fits the top lane extremely well. We recommend maxing her Q for damage, and the preferred item build (boots are at your discretion) is Luden’s Echo->Rylai’s Crystal Scepter->Liandry’s Torment.

On the other hand, Kled defeats Cassiopeia in 55.83% of matches. The hook (max it first!) and the dash make Cassiopeia think twice before getting close, as she is the only champion who can’t buy boots for movement speed. The HP boost from Kled’s passive allows him to sustain through Cassio’s poke, and so do Titanic Hydra->The Black Cleaver->Sterak’s Gage. Kled is a great pick in general with a top-3 win rate of 52.58%.

Jungle: Shaco/Warwick

Shaco (53.75%) is the greatest Jungle assassin. He is, arguably, the biggest hit-or-miss champion in the game, but it’s not a problem with preseason games wrapping up quickly. Put skill points into your E and blow everyone up with Enchantment: Warrior, Duskblade of Drakthaar & Youmuu’s Ghostblade.

If you need a reliable option, go for Warwick (52.73%). The champion relentlessly hunts down wounded enemies, and an incredibly long leap into stun from R either locks down the carry or puts the allies at risk. Max W for swift executions and go for Enchantment: Bloodrazor->Titanic Hydra->Dead Man’s Plate.

Mid: Zilean/Pyke

Should you opt for Shaco, there won’t be any hard CC or peel from Jungle. Zilean (54.89%) solves this problem with an AoE stun and an ultimate that revives one after death. Max Q and get gold for Rod of Ages->Luden’s Echo->Morellonomicon. If you are ahead, buy Mejai’s Soulstealer instead of Morello.

If you have Warwick, Pyke (54.9%) is the go-to champion for Mid. His kit is just too much to handle: a hook/wave clear ability, dash-stun, Camouflage, and an AoE execute which resets on kills. Get Q to level 5 as quickly as possible and try to capitalize on your advantage with Duskblade of Drakthaar->Youmuu’s Ghostblade->Guardian Angel.

Bot: Lucian

Our composition is currently lacking in terms of auto attacks, so we need a Marksman in the bottom lane. Lucian (52.71%) is the best choice, because his abilities give him extra AAs, and he also has a dash. Max his Q to dominate the lane and ask the blacksmith to sell you Blade of the Ruined King->Essence Reaver->The Black Cleaver. Some people postpone Reave and/or buy Rapid Cannon instead, but it was ER’s buff that finally made Lucian great again.

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