New Challenge Tier System In Apex Legends
DreamTeam Media
Published in
4 min readFeb 24, 2020

Tired of participating in Bronze Challenges on only to get destroyed by someone using a smurf account? Or, competing against an outstanding player who never plays ranked, therefore, has a rank four ranks lower than it should be? Yep. Us too! Check them out now or continue reading for more info.

The new Apex Challenge Tier System fixes more than just those problems. Find out how the new challenge system works and why it is much better.

DT Rating:

A player’s DT Rating is a more accurate representation of a player’s skill. The DT Rating is calculated by using a new weighted equation that takes many stats into account: kills per match, damage per match, and matches played. Your DT Rating increases when you are on top of your game and decreases when, well, you aren’t.


DreamTeam Challenges are now divided into 5 DT Rating based tiers:


There are many benefits to grouping players according to their DT Ratings.

No smurf accounts

Great players who don’t play rank will no longer compete in lower-ranked DT challenges. Great players now compete against other great players, no matter their Apex ranks.


More competitive

Players are tired of seeing the same players at the top with eighteen kills in a single game while those below have five to seven kills. By using the DT Rating, there are no longer wide gaps between places. The top 10 will likely be separated by just a few points.


Easier to win cash

Amazing players get to compete against other amazing players, and the lesser-skilled players get to compete against other lesser-skilled players. As a result, DreamTeam will have a much larger cycling group of players who win cash. Cha-ching!


Play ranked again

With the old system, players weren’t able to be competitive in challenges and play ranked at the same time. It was either one or the other. Ranked games are more challenging and pit you against better players, which decreased the chance of doing well, lowering your chance at some cash. Not any more! Rank up and win cash at the same time.


Rank down?

All players have experienced the ups and downs of playing well. The new DT tier system is also great because players can enter the tier below. Meaning, if you have a bad week, your DT Rating drops, allowing you to compete against a bit lower-skilled players. Once you are back on top of your game, your DT Rating will increase, allowing you to play against more competitive players. This will help you play better while playing poorly and get better while playing well.


New Designs & Features

The new challenges list page helps you find what you are looking for more easily. It also now includes a winner similar to you so you can see how much money players of your skill level are winning.

And as a reminder, the following sections can be found on the challenge detail pages:

- Rewards — a leaderboard of who gets what upon challenge completion

- Discord chat — a button leading to our Discord challenge channel for users to chat

- Tips and Tricks — helps users find better teammates for the challenge with our LFG

- Past winners similar to you — encourages users by showing them players like them win

- Top Scoring Winners — a list of all-time best scores for that particular challenge

- Similar challenges — a list of similar challenges making it easier for users to join future challenges

Be sure to check the Challenges out today!

About DreamTeam:

DreamTeam is the ultimate team building and skill-growing platform that solves problems for hundreds of millions of gamers who want to find teammates, improve skills, manage teams, and earn money.

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