Raising Gamers: The Relative Experience

DreamTeam Media
Published in
4 min readAug 22, 2018

Most esports fans have a favorite gamer. And they might even know a lot about that gamer. However, there are groups of people who know gamers better than anyone. Some might even say that those people are somewhat responsible for the gamers becoming who they are. No, we aren’t talking about their team owners or managers. We aren’t even talking about their teammates. We mean the people who knew the gamers before the games; who knew them before they could use a fork and spoon, much less a mouse and keyboard. We are talking about, as you may have already guessed by the title of this article, the gamers’ relatives.

Today I am reviewing the new Natus Vincere documentary “Role: esports relative ” to discuss some of the advice, defining moments, and how a changing esports landscape will make growing up gaming a completely different experience.

Main Roster for “Role: esports relative”

Advice for the ages, but mostly the youth

If you get good grades, your parents will let you play video games.

Let’s start off with one of the best pieces of advice in the documentary. So if you don’t read this entire article, you can at least walk away with this. Throughout most of the documentary, and likely an ongoing situation for most gamers, the relatives were discussing how often the gamers played. With esports being such a young thing at that time and people having not grown up in a gaming world, most relatives viewed gaming so much a waste of time and wanted more attention to be placed on school and getting an education. Which, in most cases is true.
Becoming a professional gamer is no easy task and few people actually ever achieve this. However, S1mple’s mother made an excellent point. Her advice is to make sure your grades are good, above all else. Parents are in no position to complain if a child has good grades. Thus, allowing the gamer to play as often as he or she has the time for it.

Because without criticism, how would you know

A defining moment in the documentary for me was the mental shift that occurred while listening to Zeus’ father. I must say, being completely honest, that I wasn’t very fond of the man. At first, he came across as cold-hearted and a person who seemed to take advantage of his son’s success. However, as I got later into the documentary, I found myself agreeing with a lot of what he had to say about fighting for your own way, criticism, and making mistakes. I think you will agree when I say, Zeus’ father is likely the reason the world has Zeus.

Virtual worlds changing physical landscapes

One of the most exciting things to watch is going to be how the esports landscape changes. The first wave of gamers are now coming of age and are having children of their own. A documentary made covering the exact same topic ten years from now will likely convey a much different message. And the DreamTeam platform will likely have a small role in that. Giving gamers a platform to safely meet other gamers will reduce the fear that many gamer relatives have, as you will learn from watching the documentary. Making all things esports more secure and accessible will only encourage parents to allow their kids to follow their passion for esports.

Moreso, when the parents realize the DreamTeam platform will allow their kids to earn a salary doing what they love, help find sponsors, assist in managing and even selling their media rights, and so much more, they will be much more likely to try to push their kids in other directions.

Esports is quickly becoming accepted across the globe and will one day rival even the biggest traditional sports. DreamTeam is excited about leading the esports revolution and providing a service that is not only changing how gamers game but the impact that the entire experience has on those most important to the gamers. Their families.

Credits: NAVI Dota 2 Youtube channel

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