Finding Players 2.0
DreamTeam Media
Published in
5 min readOct 22, 2018

Today we will take a look at DreamTeam’s new staffing flow. But what exactly does the phrase “staffing flow” mean? Although it sounds technical, it is actually very simple. “Staffing” is essentially finding players for your team or joining a team yourself and “flow” is the steps taken in order to do that. Basically, we will be taking a look at how you, as a Team Owner, can go from having no players to having a full team.
And if you are a Player and find yourself here, be sure to check out our article on how to find a team here.

The staffing flow options will vary depending on whether you have the soon-to-be-added Premium Team and Premium Profile subscription or not. We are going to walk through the staffing flow process as a standard user and will explain the Premium subscriptions in detail in a couple of weeks.

Team Ownership

You have two options for recruiting players, creating a team vacancy or simply inviting a player to join your team. Creating a vacancy is easy and works much like posting a job listing. You post what you are looking for and then choose from a list of players that have applied to the vacancy. Creating a vacancy can be done in several ways.


One way to create a vacancy is to do it directly from your Team Profile. Once on your Team Profile, simply scroll down a bit and you will see an area that looks like this.


After clicking the “Add Vacancy” button, the “Create a Vacancy” box will appear. Fill out the information you are looking for and click the “Publish” button.

It’s that easy. The newly created vacancy is now searchable to all players.

The Q-bar

The second way to create a vacancy is to use the area called the “Q-bar”. It is located on the left side of the screen and serves as a quick-access menu. It looks like this. (Our recommendation is to memorize the icon functions as their appearance can change slightly depending upon which screen you are currently on.)

To create a vacancy from the Q-bar, you must click on the “Recruitment” icon. Think of the recruitment section as the “headquarters” of finding players for your team.

Recruitment Section

From the recruitment section, you will be able to control virtually all aspects of your team.

Create and Publish

Creating a vacancy from the recruitment section is the same as from your Team Profile, click on the “Add Vacancy” button, fill it out, and publish it. Boom! Now what?

Open Vacancies

Well, the recruitment section will now look like this.

You can now either wait for a player to apply or use the second method of finding players for your team; we’ll share more on the second method later. For now, let’s assume players immediately start applying to your team. Once a player applies you will notice that the created vacancy now has an application.

Players Apply

Click on “Application” to see who has applied to the created vacancy.

The Details

From here, you can chat with the player, visit the player’s profile, decline the application, or make an offer. If you think the player is a good fit for your team, you can make the player an offer by clicking the “Make Offer” button.

The Offer

Making an offer means that you can select the specific role or roles the player can occupy on your team.

Once the roles have been selected, you can send the offer. The player will then be able to see the offer in the Player recruitment section. It will look like this.

Accepting the Offer

If the player is interested in joining your team, the player can click the “Choose Roles” button.

Once the player chooses the roles and accepts the offer, the player becomes a member of the team and the popping of bottles should commence.

The Other Applicants

But what about all of the players that have applied to that vacancy? No need to worry about that. When a player accepts an offer, all of the other applications are automatically declined and the vacancy is closed.

Read more on our blog…

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DreamTeam is the ultimate teambuilding and skill-growing platform that solves problems for hundreds of millions of gamers who want to find teammates, improve skills, manage teams, and earn money.

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