What have we written lately?

Whatever It Takes
Published in
2 min readOct 29, 2018

Last couple of months has been eventful for us and our content team.

We have wriiten a massive blog dissecting over 250 startups and the reasons behind sudden failure.

We got it published in Hackernoon and the response has been huge and mind-blogging.

Over 9k views! It’s officially our first viral post.

You can read the blog here

Why do startups fail? A postmortem of 256 failed startups.

Why is it a must read for you? It will help you to understand what are the common traits behind the startup failure. As per our study, here are the most compelling challenges-

  • Financial Challenges
  • Product-Market Fit
  • Growth Challenges
  • Regulatory Issues
  • Internal Team Issues

Read the blog to know more about the reasons and startups who have succumbed to them.

Our next writing adventure was more of soul searching than a research-driven. Over a decade, we are designing apps for startups and we strongly believe-

Design Solutions is the only solution left that can save startup.

Yeah, that’s the title of our next blog where we have strongly opinoned for Design Solution, how it’s been practiced since time immemorial and how big companies are leveraging it to make the best of products.

Sounds interesting?

Read it here now if we want to explore the perks of Design Solution and the advantages it can provide to your startup and business.

Soon after publishing the blog on Hackernoon (tons of thanks to them), we felt we should share more about Design Thinking.

And our UI-UX experts and writers again put their research hat on to understand how the new-age startups and tech moguls are leveraging the Design Thinking to make best of products and bring changes.

It’s one of our best works so far where we have documented the past, present and the future of Design Thinking. You can read the blog here —

The Past, Present and the Future of Design Thinking

The most striking voice of the blog has come from Basecamp designer Jonas Downey where he has requested designers to be more responsible in bringing change and securing future.

Not only Basecamp, we have also documented how Google, Intercom, IBM, Microsoft, Asana, Slack have formed their own design thinking to build sustainable products.

Read the blog now.

A Humble Plea:

We at DreamToIPO are continuously reading, writing, researching on startups. We work with them and we strive to dive deep into everything related startups to help them with our all might. We mostly write and share on Medium. If you want to get our works straight in your inbox whenever we write, you can reach out to us here. We would love to share with you. Thanks!



Whatever It Takes

We help Startups turn their ideas into great digital products with agile web & mobile solution. Know more about us here https://www.dreamtoipo.com