DREP August Progress Report

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
6 min readAug 28, 2019

Dear DREP community,

We have gone through quite a journey in August and the DREP team are delighted to share with you our progress report this month.

On the tech side, the performance of DREP Testnet 4.0 has been greatly enhanced in every aspect, and the public chain document has been optimized. Also, two-way swapping function will be available in our mobile wallet soon. Based on this wallet, DREP game is going to be launched soon. Additionally, more optimizations of DREP browser and official website

On the ecosystem side, DREP inked a strategic partnership with BlockGemini to explore MENA market. In addition, Xiaolong Xu was invited to attend POW’ER 2019 Global Developer Conference and shared more progress of DREP. Besides, DREP Token Distribution Schedule was enhanced so as to maintain the long-term healthy development of DREP, as well as meet the listing requirements of Tier 1 Crypto Exchanges. As for community events, Chinese Valentine’s Day Activity and DREP Summoner Plan were launched to reward DREPers. Both events received good feedback from community. Since community is always at the heart of our project, DREP consistency hold regular AMA in several communities. This month, two AMA in telegram and one AMA in WeChat were successfully delivered by DREP co-founders.

DREP team is working diligently and efficiently to promote our technology development and aims to establish a powerful and healthy ecosystem of DREP.

Development Progress

Optimization of DREP Testnet 4.0

  • Optimized the performance of Testnet 4.0: optimized the multi-chain address generator, enhanced data account to improve read and write speed, optimized the import and export of private key, improved the block reward mechanism, and reconstructed consensus code.
  • Enhanced the documents of public chain. Easier for developers to deploy and test.

Development in Products

  • DREP wallet development: HD wallet supports more cryptocurrencies including BTC, ETH, BNB, DREP, etc. Meanwhile, the two-way swap between DREP ERC20 and DREP BEP2 will be launched in the upcoming DREP wallet. Completed UI optimization adoption, added multi-language function and unit switching to enhance user experience.
  • DREP browser development: based on DREP chain, DREP browser is coordinated with the public chain for optimization.
  • Official website optimization: added the function of two-way swap between DREP ERC20 and DREP BEP2, optimized and updated website.
  • Blockchain Game: developed a game based one DREP wallet. DREP game is scheduled to be launched in September.

Ecosystem Activities

DREP Partnered with Dubai Blockchain Solution Provider BlockGemini

DREP established a partnership with BlockGemini, a leading blockchain development & consultancy agency in the MENA region. DREP and BlockGemini join forces to provide advanced blockchain technical services and solutions for companies in the MENA region. It aims to achieve mass adoption of blockchain technology in Dubai before 2020. DREP, with advanced technology solutions, is ready to empower more emerging market companies.

DREP Co-founder, Xiaolong Xu, Spoke in 2019 POW’ER Global Developer Conference

DREP co-founder, Xiaolong Xu, was invited to attend 2019 Global Developer Conference held on 20th — 21st, August in Beijing. Worldwide top-developers gathered here to discuss the trend and practical application of blockchain technology and other new technologies.

At the conference, Xiaolong shared more progress of the DREP R&D team, including technological breakthroughs and practical applications in DREP public chain, DREP cross-chain technology and DREP SDK. In addition, he elaborated that under such a fierce competitive environment, entrepreneurs who aim to enhance technical product’s ease of use and know more about current and potential users’ demands will have more competitiveness in innovation. Xiaolong’s statement gained the approval and appreciation of many audiences and speakers, meanwhile, received several precious potential partnerships.

DREP Enhanced Token Distribution Schedule

In order to maintain the long-term healthy development of DREP, as well as meet the requirements of Tier 1 Crypto Exchanges for the potentially earlier listings of DREP tokens, DREP enhanced token distribution schedule. DREP early contributors’ tokens that were originally scheduled to be unlocked on 25 August 2019, 25 October 2019, and 25 December 2019 will be distributed in one tranche on 10 October 2019. We are fighting tooth and nail to secure listings on Tier One Exchanges over the next few months to complement our technology development progress and reward our loyal community.

For more details, please go to:


DREP Summoner Plan Is Official Launched

In order to reward DREP community members’ long-term support. DREP team decided to launch a summoner plan to collect qualified DREP summoners, and it received a positive response in the past weeks.

Community member who possess over 3,000,000 DREP and has strong leadership or influence in DREP communities can be acknowledge as a qualified DREP Summoner. The priorities of DREP summoner includes join Summoner WeChat group and have intimate interaction with DREP co-founder, get to know some soon-to-be announced news in the group in advance, get seed user identity in future DREP Node Plan, as well as genesis user identity in Alpha test of DREP SDK games. Additional, more priorities will be provided, ex, birthday gifts. In all, more exclusive VIP rights will be offered to DREP summoners!

DREP Launched Chinese Valentine Activity

On 7th, August, it is Chinese Valentine’s Day. On such a special day, DREP team wants to share love with all DREPers, so we organized a small Q&A activity in Twitter and WeChat. The question is “ What is the super power of DREP?” and the answer is “ The super love for DREPers!” On that day, people who find out the right answer and follow the corresponding instructions can receive 10 DREP reputation values. These DREP reputation values could convert a surprise gift in the future!

Regular Community AMA with DREP Co-founders Successfully Wrapped Up

Two regular AMAs with Xiaolong Xu and Momo Chang were successfully wrapped up in telegram English community. At first, DREP co-funder briefed the latest updates about DREP team in technology, marketing and business cooperations. During the Q&A session, they patiently answered every question put forward by community members in detail. They also made some incisive comments on current hot issues. Besides, one VIP AMA was successfully wrapped up in Summoner WeChat group. In this special AMA, Xiaolong Xu also shared a lot of important information with DREP summoners.

We extend our greatest gratitude to the community members who participated for the inspirations they sparked. We will try our best to solve the community members’ problems and continuously provide communities with the latest updates about DREP.

The above is the full content of DREP progress report for August.

Thank every community member for the unwavering support. We look forward to more exciting happenings in the upcoming beautiful September.

Please stay tuned with DREP!

About DREP Foundation

DREP is committed to building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that combine ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Based on DREP Chain, DREP ID and DREP SDK, DApp R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.