DREP Biweekly Updates 10.29–11.11

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
9 min readNov 13, 2018


During past two weeks, the development team have achieved much optimization on the infrastructure layer. Meanwhile, we have also initiated the development of DREP wallet.

On the front end, we have a piece of good news to deliver — the long-awaited Reputation Mining H5 is expected to be released next week. We have started to test the deployed servers. The core of “reputation mining” has been completed, and some other details such as mailbox verification are being refined.

DREP Korea’s Meetup trip has come to an end successfully on October 29th. During the Korean trip, DREP attended Huobi Eco and WXY Meetup in Seoul as Huobi Eco’s investment portfolio, and got invited to the closed-door meeting of the Huobi Eco held at the Huobi Korean Office, where DREP’s fast execution was well acknowledged by different parties.

In terms of developer community, DREP held a Meetup for the developer community in Seoul, together with SKKONE from Sungkyunkwan University and BLIKH from KyungHee University and first publicly introduced DREP Signal Lab and DREP’s CSR activities.

As for marketing, DREP’s co-founder Momo and CMO Belinda were interviewed by the famous real estate-backed blockchain news agency HKBnews, and elaborated on DREP’s commercial presence and business expansion strategies of DREP.

In early November, DREP hosted the world’s leading EMBA TRIUM team and welcomed onboard a data traffic expert Jesse Liu, who will be the first CBO of DREP.

To conclude, the DREP team has been working relentlessly to improve its technology and expand our influence in the community as well as the developer community, therefore laying a solid foundation for the DREP platform and the blockchain 3.0 ecosystem.

Development progress

Here are the statistics of our work on GitHub in recent days:

  • Published 137 modifications on master/sub branches
  • Created 82 combination requests and merged 19 times
  • Crafted and deployed 65 internal releases

Infrastructure Layer:

  • Due to the importance of trading in blockchain, we have continued optimizing the codes on block and transaction details, achieving real-time status updates and status comparisons on the data layer.
  • Smart contract also plays a vital role in the blockchain. After repeated testing and optimization, the smart contract codes are now connected to the infrastructure layer, providing an interface that supports robust intelligent contract transactions and technical support for future API interfaces.
  • We found in previous tests that the performance of the original message queue was insufficient. To improve throughput, we have developed a new message queue, which has been tested and integrated into the underlying blockchain.
  • We use the effective database LevelDb for data storage and have integrated blockchain technology to improve data storage stability, ensuring that data will not be lost.
  • A concurrent structure is used to further improve performance. For security reasons, we will transform the original concurrent library to prevent the consequences of deadlock in extreme cases.

Wallet and Browser:

  • Another focus is on wallet establishment. After researching the ETH wallet mechanism, we have written a communication interface to dock with the server that the wallet depends on.
  • Considering the future traffic requirements of the wallet and browser, we are adding and refactoring the code related to request parameter, which improves operational efficiency.
  • After resolving the NAT issue, we have developed our own internal testing tools for LAN data transmission, automatically deploying processes and environments between different platforms.

Front end:

  • To ensure a stable environment for “reputation mining” testing, we have started to test the deployed servers.
  • The core of “reputation mining” has been completed, and some other details such as mailbox verification are being refined.

*For community members who are waiting to get your reputation tasks, please keep an eye on the DREP Annoucement channel.

DREP “Reputation Mining” Demo

Marketing Activities

Leading traffic expert Jesse Liu joins DREP team as first Chief Business Officer

We are thrilled to welcome a new Internet traffic master Jesse Liu, first Chief Business Officer here at DREP. Jesse is the former VP at Influence Chain/ INEX, with a profound understanding of token metrics and investment strategy. He is also the former CEO at Shanghai Entertaining Asia Corporation and Lead BizDev at EDG E-Sports Club. Personally, Jesse has 8+ years of work experience in Internet retail, e-sports, pan-entertainment, blockchain, with abundant traffic related resources.

Having Jesse in DREP helps improve the maturity and competitiveness of team management. He will also lead DREP to develop a broader and more forward-looking business landscape, creating more value for partners and community members.


EMBA TRIUM visited DREP, co-expanding reputation protocol application scenario

On November 8, DREP, as Asia’s leading blockchain company representative, hosted EMBA TRIUM team led by KPMG Capital founder Manju Nishshanka. The 6 members from EMBA TRIUM team are from the top of different industries, including medicare, real estate and capital consulting.

On behalf of the team, DREP’s CMO Belinda introduced DREP’s deep-rooted technical focuses and business strategy innovation to the team members, which was highly praised and recognized by the group. The TRIUM team also introduced its own blockchain-based loyalty program and the current commercial launching plan in the retail industry. It is reported that the value of unused points globally is as high as 360 billion US dollars, indicating huge market potential. Both parties conducted in-depth exchanges on DREP’s profit model, reputation protocol and application, and reached a consensus that the reputation protocol and decentralized digital ID have immense significance for the establishment of the blockchain based loyalty program.

The blockchain-based loyalty program allows the merchants or retail platforms to achieve exchanges between real-world products and digital assets, where online and offline marketing channels are linked. At the same time, through the integration of decentralized digital ID, big data analysis can be conducted to help businesses better understand the user’s demand habits and increase the precise and efficient interaction between the brand and the users.

The value of unused points globally

Benefiting from the technology achievements and talent pool from Nanyang Technology University of Singapore (NTU), DREP is dedicated to gather and support seasoned scholars, developers and aspiring university students to innovate and conduct experiments in the blockchain field and leave a positive impact within Asian academic circle and beyond. This visit from TRIUM accelerates DREP’s pace of international communication and partnership with entrepreneurs, scholars, and technical experts.

*TRIUM program is one of the world’s leading degree programs for global leaders and executives, jointly awarded by London School of Economics (LSE), New York University Stern School of Business (NYU Stern) and HEC Paris School of Management and ranked the second in 2018 Financial Times EMBA.


DREP Attended Huobi Eco meetup and closed-door meeting

On Oct. 28th, DREP’s co-founder Momo was invited to Huobi Eco and WXY Meetup in Seoulas Huobi Eco’s investment portfolio. DREP’s co-founder Momo was invited to deliver a speech and introduced DREP’s latest BD achievements in the Australian market and the fruitful research outcomes in our focused field of data security including secure multi-party computing, distributed private key management, etc. After the speech, Momo and the head of Huobi Eco exchanged ideas on DREP’s approach and progress in serving the digital economy and the transformation of real-assets economy.

DREP was invited to Huobi Eco and WXY Meetup in Seoul

Oct. 29th, DREP’s founder Momo was invited to the closed-door meeting of the Huobi Eco held at the Huobi Korean Office. Wang Run, the heads of Huobi Eco and investment shared insights on two major topics: “How to Help Huobi Eco Investment Portfolio to Receive Funds in Korea” and “How to Help Huobi Eco Investment Enterprises to Secure Cooperation Business in Korea”, stressing on experiences of broadening the Korean market as a blockchain ecosystem company. With DREP as Huobi Eco’s portfolio representative, our co-founder Momo shared DREP’s first-hand experience in the technology service serving the real economy together with other Huobi partners, including Mytoken、Bimoney、WXY、Naus, etc.

DREP was invited to the closed-door meeting of Huobi Eco

DREP Meetup with SKKONE and BLIKH, introducing Signal Lab

During the trip to South Korea, DREP also held a Meetup for the developer community in Seoul, together with SKKONE from Sungkyunkwan University and BLIKH from KyungHee University. DREP CMO Belinda introduced DREP CSR activities including DREP Signal Lab and ecosystem deployments. During the panel discussion, Momo and Belinda shared some career advice and industry insights to these young, aspiring developers.

DREP Meetup with SKKONE and BLIKH

DFEP team interviewed by HKBnews

DREP’s co-founder Momo and CMO Belinda were interviewed by HKBnews. Momo commented that, “DREP is actively entering emerging markets such as Australia or the Middle East to find better enterprises to deploy our technology services. Currently in the Australian market, some leading Internet platforms have decided to use DREP tokens to pay for platform services.” Belinda also mentioned that, “So far we have more than 30 members in the DREP ecosystem, including IP protection, identity verification, and DAPPs with existing user base and traffic. Now we are tapping into the Korean market as well since there is an increasing number of Korean enterprises looking for blockchain transition — this is where DREP can help.”

DFEP team interviewed by HKBnews

Community activities

DREP Jinse Finance Technology column set sail, preaching blockchain knowledge to the masses

DREP’s corporate column in Jinse Finance (Known as Jinse caijing in Chinese) has released the founder Momo’s publication《DREP战略 | 新兴区块链市场中, 为什么我们押注澳洲?which talked about DREP strategy in Australia and insights in Australian blockchain market research. The article elaborated on DREP team’s trip to Australia. It is essentially a return visit to our partnered blockchain institutions, traditional enterprises, large Internet companies, including Blockchain Global, Landream, Yeeyi, Harkhark, UCOT, NextGenius, etc. This article also featured some tips and experience in developing Australian market from the perspectives of politics, economy, business, and community.

What’s more, the technical publications of Xiaolong were also mentioned: 《DREP小龙 | 数字ID-如何推动区块链下一波浪潮(上)》《DREP小龙 | 数字ID-如何推动区块链下一波浪潮(下)》《DREP小龙 | 连接价值孤岛的桥梁 跨链篇 [ 上 ]》《DREP小龙 | 连接价值孤岛的桥梁 跨链篇 [ 下]》, each article aggregating over 50,000 views per piece.

Community T-shirt design is ended, looking forward to DREP collectibles

Oct. 28th, the final voting result is officially announced on DREP’s official Twitter. Congratulations to our first winner @icosrium gets 30,000 #DREP and other three winners @IoT_programmer @astroamy3 @AshishS17228231 get 20,000, 20,000 and 10,000 #DREP. Also, massive thanks to all the voters!

Please keep updated with our DREP official Twitter: Https://twitter.com/drep_foundation

Community Brainstrom | Twitter slogan contest is ending

On Nov. 5th, DREP official Twitter announced the results of #DREPSlogan #Contest. Congratulations to our first prize winner @Cryptoguy555 and his winning slogan “Reputation Redefined”. Also bravo to other winners @mandisatweet @soloosefr @cryptomagi @Hattrick1982 https://goo.gl/wPVm9m and their talented works.

Click for details:

The above is the content of our first biweekly updates. Whether it is technical development or business influence, DREP is always on the road! Let’s look forward to more exciting news in the next updates!

ABOUT DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation is devoted to building a performance-oriented technology infrastructure supporting high transaction capacity for an ecosystem generating valuable reputation data. Focusing on two industry pain points: lack of user adoption and low transaction throughput, DREP Foundation aims to provide highly scalable, modular blockchain architecture for deployment of a reputation protocol that any types of platforms can use.

DREP envisions a global plan to empower a wide array of platforms to have tokenized reputation ecosystem deployed on top of DREP Chain, which is secure, scalable and reputation data supportive.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.