DREP Pre-Mainnet Launch and Smart Contract Upgrade Announcement

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
5 min readSep 5, 2019

Dear DREP Users,

Since DREP pre-Mainnet Planck is going to be launched, DREP team will upgrade DREP smart contract from 12:00, 6th, September 2019 ( UTC+8).

New DREP contract address: 0x22dE9912cd3D74953B1cd1F250B825133cC2C1b3

There will be some adjustments for DREP holders, please follow the instructions below:

1. After completing the upgrade of new DREP smart contract, the old DREP token will be invalid. The specific upgrade time is based on the announcement of each crypto exchange.

2. During the upgrade period, if you are holding your DREP tokens on one of the DREP partner crypto exchanges, the swap process from old DREP tokens to new DREP tokens will be fully automated. You won’t need to do a thing.

3. If you are holding your DREP tokens on decentralized wallet, please contact DREP admin “Kari” to manually swap the new DREP tokens after the new contract upgrade is completed.

Telegram ID of DREP admin Kari: @kari6666

4. All exchanges trading DREP will halt deposits and withdrawals. After completing the upgrade of new contract, each exchange will gradually restart deposits and withdrawals. For more details, please wait for the official announcement of the crypto exchange.

DREP Testnet 4.0 is officially launched on 23rd, September 2019 (UTC+8), opening a new chapter for DREP’s development in technology and ecosystem expansion.

D · R · E · P — they respectively stand for 4 versions of DREP Chain Testnet as well as 4 important milestones of DREP public chain development timeline. As DREP Testnet 4.0 is the final version before the Mainnet, it adds many new functions compared to the previous Testnets. Thus, a higher testing standard will be applied to Testnet 4, and once the test is passed, DREP Mainnet will be officially launched accordingly. DREP team will push forward its development progress while maintaining the security of the system.

The development progress of DREP Pre-Mainnet Planck is stated as below:

  • For enterprises and developers, we optimized the performance of Testnet and enhanced testing efficiency for developers.
  • For users, we improved user experience and added the mapping function between DREP Mainnet Token and DREP ERC20 Token.
  • Also, DREP development team made a great progress in wallet, browser and official website, laying a solid foundation for the official launch of DREP Mainnet.

Technology Development Progress

Optimization of Network Performance

1. Improved the reading speed of the database by separating the in-memory database and the disk database. Also, the readability of the code is enhanced, making it easier for developers to maintain.

2. Improved data transfer speed between nodes by increasing the cache layer and adding hashnodes.

3. Increased block data synchronization speed by 2 times through realizing the synchronization of block data between nodes.

Enhancement of Testing Efficiency

DREP Testnet 4.0 Planck adds the function of Trace for developers to monitor the running direction and data flow of internal instructions. Through the Trace interface, the data could be exported to the log, analyzed and traced during the program executing process so that bugs could be targeted more accurately.

Elaboration of Supplementary DREP Public Chain Document

1. Prepared a DREP Public Chain Document for developers. It introduces how DREP public chain works, including the full-nodes introductions of basic functions in DREP public chain, wallet and history. Through this document, developers can get to know the answers of some common questions including technical issues of DREP public chain, working principles, parameters and transaction details.

2. Provided a tutorial for DREP users, including how to use wallet, how to purchase DREP, how to participate in the governance of DREP, how to connect with and better contribute to the community.

Improvement of user-experience

1. DREP Testnet 4.0 Planck adds validation of trading data. Light nodes on DREP network can validate their information of deposits and withdrawals and other trading information online including balance and double-spending.

2. DREP Testnet 4.0 Planck adds replacement of transactions. If a transaction is not compiled under a block, does not have enough gas or is executed wrong during the transaction, users can replace the transaction without starting a new one.

3. Multi-chain wallet is added in DREP Testnet 4.0 Planck. Users can manage assets on different main chains including BTC and ETH with private keys and mnemonics generated by DREP Wallet. Multi-chain Wallet improves user experience and lowers the threshold of usage while ensuring the security of users’ assets.

Token Swap on Mainnet

DREP Testnet 4.0 will provide the function of swapping Tokens with one click. After the launching of Mainnet, DREP users will be able to swap their Tokens on DREP’s official website. During the swapping, the participating DREP ERC20 Tokens will be locked and the total amount and circulation of DREP will not change.

Product Development Progress

Enrichment of DREP Products and Documents

1. DREP wallet V1.0.0 is under development.

2. The Chinese version of DREP new official website is completed.

3. The English, Korean and Russian translations of official website are completed, and the development has reached 80% completion.

4. The prototype of cryptocurrency deposit and withdrawal in game is completed, further development is ongoing.

5. Coordinated with Testnet 4.0, the optimization of blockchain browser is completed.

Completion of Node Wallet V4.0.0 Development

1. Realized the storage of account data.

2. Saved the data of all blocks.

3. Realized the verification of transaction data locally.

Future Plan

The launching of DREP pre-Mainnet Planck signals that DREP is entering a new page of technology development and ecosystem expansion. DREP team will push forward its developing progress while maintaining the stability of the system. Meanwhile, the cross-chain of DREP, the deployment of DREP ID, privacy protection, reputation system, Game SDK is under development as promised in the white paper.

DREP Foundation will keep up its efforts in its cooperation with leading exchanges in blockchain industry, top higher institutions and media in China and overseas, expanding the ecosystem of DREP.

Stay tuned for more good news to come!

About DREP Foundation

DREP is committed to building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that combine ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Based on DREP Chain, DREP ID and DREP SDK, DApp R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.