DREP Weekly Update 10.8–10.14

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
4 min readOct 16, 2018

Test Net Development progress has reached 76%, and we will now proceed with overall system optimization.

Development Progress

  1. Added PMP network logic, further enhancing NAT effects.
  2. Integrated EVN with reputation system so that reputation value can be applied in the smart contract format.
  3. Optimized underlying logic, thus increasing network throughput.

Front-end Progress

  1. Reputation Mining verification process is completed.2
  2. Task refresh mechanism is being tested for optimization.

Marketing Activities

  1. Oct. 10th — DREP launched its tech column <Cryptography 101> and published the first article from DREP Development team’s cryptography expert, Lei Rong — Cryptography 101 presented to you by DREP Dev team. In order to ensure data security and user privacy during valuable reputation data transactions, cryptography has always been the focus of DREP’s development research. With professional technical theory as paper, and explorative practices as ink, DREP will paint a beautiful landscape for knowledge accumulation within this industry. Read more on https://medium.com/@DREP_Foundation/cryptography-101-presented-to-you-by-drep-dev-team-2d257184ec1d.

2. Oct. 10th — DREP’s 2 co-founders Xiaolong and Momo joined Blockchain Global team in Melbourne, the latter is a leading multinational blockchain commercial investment company. Both parties engaged in in-depth discussions as to how DREP’s DRApp integration could be accelerated in Australia. In the near future, they will endeavor to promote DREP in Australia and reach a larger user base. Read more on DREP Twitter: https://twitter.com/drep_foundation.

3. Oct. 12th — 6:30pm local time, DREP co-founder Xiaolong was invited to the biggest Chinese blockchain entrepreneur hub in Sydney, NextGenius. During the Meetup event, he discussed the application of STOs and analyzed how they could be quickly adopted from an infrastructure technical point of view with Terry Hilsberg, InnoHub Capital’s risk investment partner. Read more on https://twitter.com/drep_foundation/status/1050313706565906432.

4. Oct 13th — DREP’s co-founder Xiaolong published his technical paper How digital IDs are paving the way for the next big hit in Blockchain. The article stated:” By adopting Hash algorithm as the foundation of cryptographic security, Hash value has the exact features that many IDs need — intrackability, strong collision resistance and voilà, a unique digital ID is born when you put your identity on the chain. Compared to the methods above, Hash has proven to be the best in its distribution randomness and uniqueness, not to mention its origin is extremely difficult to be traced. “

Read more on https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/u1zCFYASUrCZnZnH59n0cA.

Community Events

  1. Oct. 8th — DREP Chinese name collection voting came to a close with Oliver Zhou who won with his proposal “誉膳坊(Yu Shan Fang, literally means reputation cuisine workshop) by gaining the most votes. Her reasoning behind the name has gained large popularity for its creativity: in pronunciation, Yu Shan Fang sounds the same as the private kitchen for emperors in ancient dynasties. This name is easy to remember and widely popular among Chinese foodies. What’s more, it also implies that DREP can “cook” a most reputable “recipe” (product). Also, the Fang here is the same ending as Ethereum’s Chinese translation “以太坊”, so the name is quite trendy. Please follow DREP’s WeChat account for more details.

2. Oct. 9th, DREP announced the Week 4 Best 4 Selection for #DREPSlogan Contest. This is also the last individual week voting before we proceed to the final voting of most liked slogan! Selected slogans are as follows, vote for your favorite on Twitter: https://twitter.com/drep_foundation/status/1049660630884470784

ABOUT DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation is devoted to building a performance-oriented technology infrastructure supporting high transaction capacity for an ecosystem generating valuable reputation data. Focusing on two industry pain points: lack of user adoption and low transaction throughput, DREP Foundation aims to provide highly scalable, modular blockchain architecture for deployment of a reputation protocol that any types of platforms can use.

DREP envisions a global plan to empower a wide array of platforms to have tokenized reputation ecosystem deployed on top of DREP Chain, which is secure, scalable and reputation data supportive.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.