DREP Foundation x Hackathon| Signal Plan: Stop Two— Crack the Case Challenge of Decentralized Reputation

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
4 min readMay 3, 2018

On April 21st, the Hackathon 2018 that DREP Foundation participated in the proposition reached its finale in Shanghai. Over the past two weeks, more than 40 teams of hackers from China and Singapore gathered together in the Hackathon to crack the case challenges of DREP Foundation. They contributed their own wisdom and creativity to the application of Blockchain technology.

I. Pre-Hackathon Consultation with DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation‘s case challenge topic

DREP Foundation’s question particularly stood out as the only Blockchain related challenge:“How can users’ reputation is quantified and monetized through platform tokens, and decentralized across different internet platforms?” As DREP Foundation constantly endeavors to provide decentralized solutions to quantifying and monetizing online reputation, the case challenge presented in the Hackathon was also an invitation to fellow Blockchain enthusiasts to explore into the possibilities of using economic incentives to encourage the promotion of quantified reputation.This is the second stop of DREP Signal Plan, and also the start of gathering developers for DREP Signal Lab.

Eric Chao and Xuan Zhang from DREP discussing the case with the participating teams

Core developer Eric Chao and Lead UI/UX designer Xuan Zhang came as judges from DREP and engaged in one on one communication with participating teams in the case challenge discussion session. With Eric and Xuan, Several participants shared their own understandings towards distinguishing fake news and accounts with the help of decentralized reputation system and enjoyed an in-depth exchange.

II. Final round of Hackathon, it’s showtime!

As one of the trendiest tech topics these days, Blockchain has no trouble gaining the world’s attention. That’s probably why, as the only Blockchain related case challenge, DREP easily became the audience’s focus since the beginning of the event. From DREP’s showcase booth to the final DREP related project report, crowds were drawn into heated discussions of the known and unknown possibilities.

Group presentation on stage from team Wild Cats

After several rounds of presentations, team Wild Cats from Singapore stood out as the third among the student category group, and the judges rewarded their performance with the prize of ¥3,000. Despite their young age, the winning team managed to explain the complicated logic of quantifying and monetizing online reputation and demonstrate the day to day scenarios on social media, e-commerce, content and tool platforms.

…and the prize of 3000 RMB goes to team Wild Cats!
Group photo of team Wild Cats and DREP’s co-founder Momo Chang

By organizing the Hackathon event, we’re hoping to encourage more and more Blockchain developers and enthusiasts worldwide to join our discussions face to face in producing implementable Blockchain applications. From here, our mission is to recruit the best talent for DREP Signal Lab and build the blockchain ecosystem based on decentralized online reputation.

About DREP Foundation

Founded in Singapore, early 2018, DREP Foundation is an innovative tech company that provides the decentralized solution to quantification and monetization of cross-platform online reputation. By distinguishing fake news and accounts, establishing user growth system and increasing retention rates, building the users’ reputation data sharing pool for DAPPs (Decentralized Reputation Apps), DREP Foundation has internally incubated and jointly developed 4 applications based on online reputation and content, which will be published shortly.

DREP Signal Plan of gathering developers for DREP Signal Lab has started and is still ongoing. We’d like to invite you to our WeChat/Telegram group to become one of the developers in DREP Signal Lab. Let’s explore the possibilities of implementable Blockchain applications!



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.