Evolution | DREP Chain Testnet Darwin Launched to Break Shackles of Centralized Data Silos

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
10 min readDec 28, 2018

Founded in 2018 with the vision of empowering reputation data, DREP’s core development concept is to break the shackles of centralized data silos and build a cross-chain, cross-ecosystem security sharing value data network.

Today, DREP is taking a stride forward towards the goal of launching Testnet 1.0 Darwin.

| D arwin, The Evolutional Origin

| R iemann, The Breaking Point

| E uler, The Eternal Method

| P lanck, The Constant Change

DREP Testnet 1.0 Darwin Launching

D · R · E · P — they respectively stand for 4 versions of DREP Chain Testnet as well as 4 important milestones of the development timeline.

Over the past 201 days, DREP development team have completed more than 1000 code submissions, fixed 34 bugs and improved 12 technology points. Today the team is ready to launch the Testnet 1.0, and in one month’s time (Jan 2019), DREP Chain Testnet will become officially open source to the community.

Testnet 1.0 is named after the prestigeous biologist Charles Robert Darwin, whose theory laid a solid foundation for species evolution. Similarly, DREP · Darwin also paved the way for DREP team to explore “Data Ecosystem on Chain”.

DREP is privileged to be part of the public chain industry, and its development vision has always been:

| Explore the commercialization path besides performance improvements;

| Achieve cross-chain data interoperability by joining hands with industry partners;

| Look beyond cryptospace for user acquisition rather than fight for the current market share.

Therefore, DREP Chain’s technical features and development goals could be summarized as follows:

1. High scalability but more than Transaction per Second (TPS) — our goal is to make scalability no longer a bottleneck limiting the commercial adoption;

2. Humanized but more than development flexibility and privacy protection — our goal is to deliver a frictionless, user-friendly blockchain service to B-end or C-end users;

3. Business-oriented but more than DAPPs and enterprise services, our goal is to connect all reputation data in silos on the Internet instead of simply replicating the Internet itself.

To put it simply for our DREPers, the key technical breakthroughs for DREP Chain · Darwin are as follows:

1. Hook technology - Scalability will no longer limit mainstream adoption:

DREP provides a Hook that allows each developer or platform user to embed codes at the appropriate Hook point for more flexible configuration.

When using other public chains and processing the data in batches, platform users need to consume a lot of gas. With DREP, when developers or platform users use their own sub-chain based on DREP, adding code to the corresponding Hook point can achieve batch processing of data without consuming any gas.

In addition, the use of Hook technology can expand the adaptability of the blockchain, automatically execute the tasks performed by the out-of-chain scripts in the chain, and solve various tasks in one stop.

2. Reputation System and Proof of Reputation (POR) - An incentive system that allows the redistribution of wealth:

Reputation System and POR / Incentive System for Realizing Redistribution of Wealth:

In each subchain of DREP, each account has a wealth redistribution weight value (reputation value), which is adjusted with the activity of each account. The network regularly awards tokens to individual accounts based on reputation values.

The DREP network provides interfaces for each platform to customize its reputation algorithms and reward strategies.

Each of the DREP networks executes a corresponding script to enable these algorithms.

3. Account Privacy Model:

DREP provides a new set of decentralized ID (DID) system. Users can generate public and private key pairs of each platform through a master private key, and view and maintain account data of each platform in the user wallet. Users independently authorize data sharing between platforms.

The point is that the master public key is not associated with the public key corresponding to each platform, and the user does not have to be exposed during use. This protects the privacy of the user while enabling isolation between different data.

Further, users generate their own accounts on different platforms in the wallet, with different reputation values. These reputation values will serve as the user’s digital identity and will serve as an identity digitization effect. The generated reputation profiling is important to users and businesses.

4. Customization:

The parameters of the DREP subchain can be easily customized. Each platform does not need to be cut and fit. The corresponding parameters can be customized according to their own needs, including the block time, the gas of each operation, etc., to achieve the frictionless integration of DREP chain. This is also the only way for DREP to connect different platforms to its own blockchain system and jointly build the DREP ecosystem.

5. Smart Contract:

DREP considers practicality and user habits to develop its own reputation-based smart contracts while retaining compatibility with Ethereum smart contracts, reducing the developer’s learning and usage threshold. At the same time, DREP and corresponding improvements to the Ethereum virtual machine meet the needs of the task on the DREP chain.

For a detailed understanding of our Testnet Darwin, please enjoy the following comprehensive introduction:

If the reason for the commercialization of the Internet is to achieve “connection”, then the blockchain can rise above the Internet and become the breaking point of the Internet of Things by connecting the data subsets, thus achieving the goal of “connecting everything”.

Therefore, DREP proposed an interesting concept — “reputation”, which we refer to as the normalized representation of all data, called “reputation value”. DREP is a “reputation value” data system based on DREP Chain + DREP DID (Decentralized ID). Hence, the data is no longer separated by the Internet platform. The distinguishing dimension will surround the data subject itself, instead of individual platforms.

The birth of DREP Chain means that the “traditional public chain model” has taken a big step towards commercialization. Amongst the three founders of DREP, Xiaolong (Stephen Xu), who was the Lead Developer at Qtum, experienced the complete development process and ecological evolution of Qtum’s public chain; Matt Bennice worked as a senior engineer at Google X (Moonshot Factory) has been at the forefront of distributed system development. Two of the top developers from the blockchain and Internet industries, based in Shanghai and San Francisco, led DREP’s 15 full-time developers to develop DREP’s public infrastructure and DREP DID systems.

So far, the co-founder Xiaolong has been engaged in the research and development of the blockchain industry for three years. He knows that the public chain is in the commercial bottleneck and the reason lies not only in the limitation of scalability, but also the inherent premise of the “impossible triangle” in the blockchain.

Under the below test environment, DREP Chain · Darwin’s TPS can reach more than 10,000.

Data Parameters:

1. The Block Time: 10 seconds

2. Each Block Size: No limit

3. Structure: 1 main chain and 10 sub-chains.

4. Each Chain Structure: 7 mining nodes, 10 ordinary nodes.

5. Testnet 1.0 Address: drep.me

Load Test:

In the load test, each ordinary node randomly transfers funds to other nodes , and sends out transactions about evenly every second, totally issuing about 30,000 transactions. A total of approximately 3,000,000 transactions were made throughout the network.

DREP’s breakthrough in real data processing capabilities has chosen a more interesting approach: Hook technology.

Eric Chao, the Lead Dev of DREP, is in charge of the Hook technology breakthrough. Eric is a code genius who graduated from China University of Science and Technology. Started programming at the age of 13, he often conceptualizes a different path in solving difficult problems.

DREP provides Hook to allow each developer/platform user to have more flexible configuration in the corresponding Hook point implant code, and also brings more features to the DREP public chain:

1. Development Flexibility — Execute customized behaviors in key places

Other public chains have no extra operations before and after the block is generated. The comment practice is to take a certain amount of transactions from the trading pool, package them into one block, and then let other blocks verify. This has no extra space for operation, and the limitations are relatively large.

DREP provides Hook so that each developer can embed additional code at the corresponding Hook point for more flexible configuration. The DREP Chain provides Hook points as an entry point before and after block generation, and each platform can add its own code to these places as needed to make custom behaviors in key places. For example, these places allow each platform to handle the change in reputation of each user through our recommended reputation algorithm, and can also give out rewards.
In addition, the use of hook technology can achieve some features not found in other chains such as scheduled tasks.
When developers use other public chains, if they need to perform scheduled tasks, they need to deploy a smart contract, write a script outside the chain, and periodically send transactions to the chain to execute the smart contract. After DREP-based Hook technology, periodic tasks can be automatically executed by the chain without relying on external assistance.

2. Intelligent User Incentives — Truly decentralized wealth redistribution

If other public chains want to achieve reputation calculations, we must deploy a smart contract on it, manually execute this smart contract on a regular basis, and perform reputation calculations so as to provide rewards accordingly. These behaviors are mechanical and not organically linked to the chain.

Based on Hook technology, the entire reputation system and chain are organically combined. The calculations and rewards are performed automatically by the chain, rather than performing functional contracts manually on a regular basis. At the same time, rewarding users according to their reputation also naturally integrates the token generation into the reputation system.

3. Data Processing Speed — Multiplier Effect of data processing capability

When developers use other public chains, if you need to save data, especially for processing of data in batches, you need to deploy smart contracts, and consume a lot of gas to execute smart contracts to complete the corresponding operations on the chain. When developers build their own sub-chains based on DREP, they can save the data at the bottom of the chain and add batch processing of data without consuming gas.

Therefore, Hook technology is equivalent to the combination of the high scalability performance of the DREP Chain itself plus a multiplier effect of data batch processing, so that the TPS of the chain itself is no longer the only factor to measure performance.

The DREP team is aiming for the commercialization path, rather than simply attracting DApp teams or providing a simple output technology service. Starting from Feb. 2018, DREP business and product team have continuously visited and received target enterprises and customers from the realms of Internet, Finance, Real Estate, Retail and other industries, and refined the product line based on DREP technology architecture and customers’ demands. We discovered that for customer loyalty improvement, an effective point system to achieve user incentives is the common pain point of all enterprises, which also echoes with the commercial needs of the DREP reputation system, which is to build a set of fair and credible consensus on the redistribution of wealth in the data sharing ecosystem, .

For the development and algorithm improvement of DREP reputation system, DREP has launched the concept product Blockbate (rebranded as DREP Bate) for sample parameter collection and preliminary model verification. The R&D team analyzed the generated data through big data technology and Monte Carlo user behavior simulation, further improved the algorithm and corrected the parameters. On the other hand, DREP has continuously verified and revised the algorithms and parameters of the reputation system on DREP’s protocol layer DApps, such as Harkhark (Australian delivery platform, equivalent of Chinese “Eleme”). For example, it is found that in the “DREP Mining”, as the reputation value increases, there appears a phenomenon of diminishing “marginal rate of return”. Faced with this ratio change, DREP will share more interesting details with the followers when the next version of Testnet Riemann is launched.

Other Basic Features about DREP Chain · Darwin:

In DREP Chain Testnet 1.0 Darwin, the main chain and the sub-chain communicate through the relay node, and the subsequent will be changed to multi-node communication without relying on the relay node.

Testnet Publishing Process:

1. First release Testnet 1.0 Darwin and Blockchain Browser;

2. In Jan 2019, we will publish the command line tools and RPC documents, and allow participants to access the Testnet.

Finally, we’d like to share our DREP team motto to you.

“The road before us is long and winding. Depart now and we shall be arriving.”

— —

15 members from DREP Development Team

Shanghai · San Francisco

Dec. 28, 2018

ABOUT DREP Foundation

DREP Foundation is devoted to building a performance-oriented technology infrastructure supporting high transaction capacity for an ecosystem generating valuable reputation data. Focusing on two industry pain points: lack of user adoption and low transaction throughput, DREP Foundation aims to provide highly scalable, modular blockchain architecture for deployment of a reputation protocol that any types of platforms can use.

DREP envisions a global plan to empower a wide array of platforms to have tokenized reputation ecosystem deployed on top of DREP Chain, which is secure, scalable and reputation data supportive.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.